Standard Mesh Export

Visible Level of Detail Meshes Group

Auto Generate LODs: When checked, creates lower detail versions of your first visible mesh to switch to at further distances.
Min # of LODs: Specifies the minimum number of models to generate for LOD switching.
Add LOD: Adds a scene geometry object to the list of LOD meshes. The first mesh in the list will be visible closest to the camera where as the last mesh in the list will be visible furthest from the camera in game.
Remove: Removes the selected LOD mesh entry from the listbox.

Collision Mesh Group
Low Detail: Pickbutton designation of a collision mesh used for low detail collision tests. (Terrain geometry)
High Detail: Pickbutton designation of a collision mesh used in game for high detail collision tests. (Other objects, bullets etc..)
BSP Optimization: Use this setting checked to optimize collision mesh performance of larger models. A binary space partition tree will be generated that allows only near parts of the model to be tested for hits rather than the entire model.
Force MatID: Uncheck this to use the existing material ID values set on the collision mesh object faces. Leave checked if you wish to use the MatID override value below.
Drop Down list: Select a pre-defined material ID value by name from this list.
Material ID spinner: Sets the material ID value to use for the entire hitbox mesh. These values are used for different armor types and different effects. Only active if Force MatID is checked.

More Options

Group Lightmapped: Allows the exported geometry to make use of lightmaps. (Tip: A lightmapped model will have more hard edges between adjoining faces.)
Simple Shader: When checked advanced material settings are ignored except the texture file name. When unchecked, 2-sided, specular color, diffuse color, and more options may be used.
Scale: Adjusts the size of the exported model.
Custom BBox: Pickbutton designation of a custom bounding box scene object. The bounding box is used to determine clipping distances of objects visible mesh as well as physics balancing. You may use any object in the scene as the custom bounding box.
Shadow Mesh: Pickbutton designation of a scene geometry to be used in casting real-time 3d shadows onto the terrain. Used for vehicle parts.
Note: Player model shadows are generated from the visible model.
Export: Saves the .sm and .rs files, prompting for the name and location first.

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