Animation Import/Export

Animation Sequences Group

Add Sequence: Adds an animation sequence to the listbox of sequences for exporting to multiple animation files. Adding a sequence uses the current prefix and name text along with the start frame and end frame spinner values.

Remove Sequence: Removes the selected imem from the sequence list box..

Clear Sequence: Clears the listbox of sequences.

Save Sequence: Saves list file of sequence names, with start frame and end frame timeline settings for later use.

Load Sequence: Loads a saved list file of sequence names, with start frame and end frame timeline settings.

Start: Set the start frame for this current animation segment.

End: Set the end frame for this current animation segment.

Use Active Segment: This option is used when exporting a single .baf file, the current time start and end frames will be taken from the scene's current start and end frame.

Export Single .Baf: With the only the bones you have animated selected, press this button to save out a single .baf animation file. Start and End time values are taken from the spinners with the same names or from the scene's current timeline settings if Use Active Segment is checked.


Output Group

Directory: Specifies the output directory location for the .baf files to be saved when Generate Sequence is pressed..

Browse: Brings up a browse for directory location dialog for specifing where the .baf files are to be saved when Generate Sequence is pressed.

Generate Sequence: Starts the export process saving multiple .baf files from one .max scene file. Only the selected bones' animations will be exported to each .baf file.


Other Settings

Import .baf: Press this button to import a .baf animation file. Have in your scene, the skeleton that will be animated prior to importing the .baf and that skeleton will be given the imported animation. After importing a .baf animation file the bones that were animated will be selected. It is wise to create named selection set of these imported bones so that exporting will be easier. See your 3d animation product's documentation on named selection sets for more information.

Is Weapon: Check this option if Importing or Exporting a weapon animation.

Prefix: This text box is used when you press the Add Sequence button for setting up multiple animation files to export. The text in this box will be placed before the name. For example: if the name is "walk" and prefix is "lowerBody" then when Add Sequence is pressed the result will be "lowerBodyWalk". The file would be then saved as lowerbodyWalk.baf when Generate Sequence is pressed.

Name: This text box is used when you press the Add Sequence button for setting up multiple animation files to export. Type in a name here to be used as the filename for the sequence. For example: use "walk" and the file will be saved as walk.baf when Generate Sequence is pressed.

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