Geometry Property

   ObjectTemplate.Geometry name

Argument values:

argument 1:    1PPT_ElcoLL_M1, 1P_AW52_m1, 1P_B17_Int_M1, 1P_B17_Turret_Gun_m1, 1P_B17_Turret_m1, 1P_BlackMedal_Str_M1, 1P_Bofors, 1P_C47_Int_M1, 1P_Corsair, 1P_FlakPanzer_Gunner_M1, 1P_Goblin_M1, 1P_HO229_M1, 1P_Hanomag_Driver_M1, ...

Description: Adds to the object the named geometry object that was created in a Geometries.con file with a GeometryTemplate.Create command.

For example, in Geometries.con you might find:

 GeometryTemplate.create StandardMesh Lcvp_ramp_M1

and in the Objects.con file you then find:

 ObjectTemplate.geometry Lcvp_ramp_M1

Used in object types (and how often in each type): ActiveKitPart (100%), AnimatedBundle (72%), Bundle (60%), ClusterProjectile (100%), ControlPoint (100%), Engine (1%), FireArms (41%), FlagBase (100%), Kit (96%), KitPart (86%), LandingGear (87%), ObjectSpawner (1%), Obstacle (100%), Particle (100%), PlayerControlObject (5%), Projectile (79%), RotationalBundle (50%), Spring (100%), Wing (46%), WireLink (100%), simpleobject (96%)

Used in a total of 1839 .con files:, Controlpointtemplates.con, Effects.con, Geometries.con, Objects.con, Physics.con, Projectile.con, Terrain.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Vegetation, objects/Stationary_Weapons, objects/Soldiers, objects/Objectives, objects/MOVE_FILES, objects/Items, objects/HandWeapons, objects/Effects, objects/Common, objects/Buildings, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vegetation/Common/Jungle_tree2b_M1/Objects.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create SimpleObject Jungle_tree2b_M1
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry Jungle_tree2b_M1
   ObjectTemplate.SetHasCollisionPhysics 0

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