Drag Property

   ObjectTemplate.Drag CRD

Argument values:

argument 1:    CRD, e.g. .02, .08, 0.005, 0.01, 0.03, 0.04, 0.054, 0.061, 0.065, 0.0652, 0.068, 0.08, 0.0866, 0.09, 0.099, 0.105, 0.125, 0.135, 0.14, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.288, 0.42, 0.488, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.92, 0.999, 1, 1.0, 1.2, ...

Description: Drag represents the amount of air resistance the aircraft generates. The higher the value, the slower the vehicle. This property can also be used in effects.

For Effects.con objects such as Particle and SpriteParticle, Drag is used in a different way, e.g.

 ObjectTemplate.Drag CRD_NONE/0.5/0/0

See the CRD page for how this type of argument works.

Related properties: InertiaModifier, Mass

Used in object types (and how often in each type): ClusterProjectile (100%), Particle (12%), PlayerControlObject (37%), Projectile (8%), SpriteParticle (44%), simpleobject (1%)

Used in a total of 347 .con files: Commonsoldierdata.inc, Effects.con, Objects.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Soldiers, objects/Effects, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Effects/e_Yak9Damage/Effects.con)
   rem *** Fx_Yak9Damage ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create SpriteParticle Fx_Yak9Damage
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_NONE/1/1/0
   ObjectTemplate.Size CRD_UNIFORM/0.8/1/0
   ObjectTemplate.GravityModifier CRD_NONE/-0.1/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.Drag CRD_NONE/3/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SizeOverTime 0/1.100018|32/0.439985|66/1.45999|100/1.77999
   ObjectTemplate.Texture e_muzs2_I
   ObjectTemplate.InitRotation CRD_UNIFORM/0/180/1
   ObjectTemplate.DestBlendMode BMInvSourceAlpha
   ObjectTemplate.RotationSpeed CRD_UNIFORM/1/50/1
   ObjectTemplate.ColorRGBAOverTime 0/128/128/128/0|29/194/194/194/73|55/255/255/255/139|62/0/0/0/117|80/0/0/0/61|100/0/0/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.HasStaticColor 1

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