Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

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Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by Diamondback »

I have been following this tutorial: ... 0Mesh.html to edit an existing BF1942 building mesh. The mesh in question is from the XPack2 expansion (Secret Weapons) and is called "". It is a hangar model that is used in the Kbely Airfield map.

I am trying to simply edit the mesh using the MDT tutorial, and then export it to my map so I can test it. The first thing to notice are the texture maps being completely out of place, as you can see in this image: Image

I thought I would ignore this and simply focus on editing the mesh to then export it. But upon having edited the mesh to my liking (I created a hole inside the hangar, which cannot be seen in the picture above) and exporting it to BF1942, all I see is the default, untextured mesh, with no collisions. The hole that I created in the mesh is there though.

Here is what I have done to edit the building mesh. I am using 3dsMax 2010 on Windows 10 Home Edition 64-bit, if this can help in any way. I am also running the program in Administrator mode. I am using Senshi's BF MDT 2.762 3dsMax script.

First try:
1) Imported the SM file using the Battlefield Tools Import Dialog. Imported only main visible LOD as pointed out in the MDT tutorial
2) Modified the mesh (created a hole on the hangar floor)
3) On the export dialog, I auto generate 6 LODS, then add the main visible LOD (LOD01). I don't check any of the other parameters, and click on export
4) SM + RS files are generated, the files look fine there. I copy them to my mod's Archives, and add them to BC so it can display the new model
5) When testing my map with the model, it doesn't have any collision and the default gray placeholder textures show up

Second try:
1) Imported the SM file using the Battlefield Tools Import Dialog. Imported only main visible LOD as pointed out in the MDT tutorial
2) Edited the main LOD, copied it (LOD01) and renamed it to "COL02". This is the only collision mesh needed for my purposes, as my mod doesn't use vehicles and so no vehicles will collide with the mesh
3) Created a bounding box using the terminology indicated on the MDT site
4) Hit Export, use the COL02 mesh + the bounding box. No problem with the file creation, however the SM file is significantly bigger than when using the first method
5) After copying the files to my mod and BC, the same problem happens (no collision or textures)

Has anyone had issues with editing existing stock building meshes before? I have tried just about anything now. Is this error caused by running the program in Admin mode? Help would be appreciated!


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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by Swaffy »

The reason you had no collision mesh is because you didn't import it with that. So you exported your mesh with only a visible LOD and nothing else.

Import with BoundingBox, Collision, Visible and Shadow meshes. But hide the others and only show the Visible mesh (named "LOD01_kbely_hanger_m1-1") the "-1" being your visible mesh.

Convert your meshes to Poly. To do this, right-click the viewport, Convert, Poly. Then edit to your liking. You may wanna weld the vertices together to make the sub objects connect instead of each face being separate.

When exporting use the options "Use object names for export" and ensure 6 LODs are being generated. Not welding the vertices together will result in a fragmented looking mesh in the lower poly LODs since none of the faces are connected.
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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by Diamondback »

Swaffy wrote:The reason you had no collision mesh is because you didn't import it with that. So you exported your mesh with only a visible LOD and nothing else.

Import with BoundingBox, Collision, Visible and Shadow meshes. But hide the others and only show the Visible mesh (named "LOD01_kbely_hanger_m1-1") the "-1" being your visible mesh.

Convert your meshes to Poly. To do this, right-click the viewport, Convert, Poly. Then edit to your liking. You may wanna weld the vertices together to make the sub objects connect instead of each face being separate.

When exporting use the options "Use object names for export" and ensure 6 LODs are being generated. Not welding the vertices together will result in a fragmented looking mesh in the lower poly LODs since none of the faces are connected.
Thanks, I will try that!
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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by Diamondback »

I did what you said and it works, it's just that the hangar now has no textures at all. All I did was create a hole in the LOD01, COL02 + COL01 meshes of the hangar. When testing the map the hole is on the mesh, and the collision works, but the textures don't show up. Do I have to remap all the MatIDs + textures on the mesh to make them show up?

RS files has the correct texture names too so I'm confused why it's not displaying the textures on the mesh. :|
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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by Swaffy »

Classical Modder wrote:it's not displaying the textures on the mesh. :|
Can you post the RS text please?
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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by Diamondback »

Swaffy wrote:
Classical Modder wrote:it's not displaying the textures on the mesh. :|
Can you post the RS text please?
I fixed the textures not displaying issue, but now all the textures are out of place and all the Mat IDs of the LOD01 mesh have to be remapped. Too advanced for me.

The mesh is bugged, if someone with more experience wants to look at it then please go ahead.
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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by fo0k »

i had this issue with wrong matid's on objects. I honestly forget now if the mesh was bugged or the tools were at fault. Its incredibly annoying though
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Re: Problem editing existing building mesh with 3dsMax

Post by Crash42modder »

We use Blender now, using the import/export tool Arken (discord) created.


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