This will be a special map for vanilla BF1942. But I am not good with all the back end coding side of things.
What I would like is someone to make a de Havilland "Mosquito" with Drape Olive Green skin USA markings. The de Havilland Mosquito
was used by the British on the RTR Map Battle of Anzio. I need the "Mosquito" to replace the planes on the Enterprise Carrier. So each carrier
will be carrying two - four "Mosquito". It may be tight, but if it works great.
The instructions to add all the mesh/objects/textures to my cfg / 1st files is also needed.
The other thing I need is help getting XPack1 & XPack2 to load in BC1942.
I can see the XPack1 map list, but can't load them.
I'm getting this message:
Error reading RFA
The RFA file (my game location goes here) can't be read.
The owner/creator of this archive has requested that you do not edit this file without their explicit permission.
Hopefully somebody can help me out here. I've tried some tutorials but most assume you know about all the different parts of the files.