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Re: Demo recording in Battlefield 1942?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:25 pm
by Apache Thunder
Where's this "BF1942.exe editing tool" you speak of? None exist that I know of. Game engine currently doesn't support demo recording similer to how BF2 does recording. :(

Re: Demo recording in Battlefield 1942?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:29 am
by Jeronimo
I've been wondering, is there an open documentation somewhere of the protocol BF uses to communicate from server to client over UDP? Maybe you can't re-engineer bf1942.exe and put recording in there, but at least listen to what comes through the network to render this in whatever way it can be useful to you.
As an example you could do an analysis of a game via the map overview and the players coordinates. Good for clan wars, perhaps. Or you could program yourself a BF42 bot and send it to CQ servers. Which would lead to much better bots, if you're doing it right. Lot of work, that's for sure, so good luck ^^ But in contrarty to reprograming bf1942.exe source, this seems more doable, I think.

Re: Demo recording in Battlefield 1942?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:46 am
by Nodbrother
If you want to annalyze your wars I'd recommend this tool. You can record and playback the positions of your units, and what actions they are performing. It had a variaty of output formats, one of them being .xml. It is intended for vanilla, which basicly means it does not support classes of any of the other mods, but knowing you Jero ;) , I know you will find a way to implement other classes.

The only thing a server does, is "transceive" the positions of units on a map and exactly what they are doing and what is happening to them. The actual thing you see on your monitor is something that is being generated by the client. Nothing of the graphics you see is being networked by the server. I know this tool is not what you guys are looking for, but maybe it could take you "Midway" to you goal.

Good luck.

Re: Demo recording in Battlefield 1942?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:15 am
by Jeronimo
Nice little tool. So someone has already managed to interpret BF network traffic. Unfortunately without documentation / source code, no way you could expand or reuse it :( Thanks for the tip anyway, Noddy :D

I'm looking forward to, say, in 3 years maybe, when EA won't sell any copies of the game any more and thus release the source of the engine... First thing to do then would be: Port the game to OpenGL! Muharar. Imagine an open source project developing a game that can stick with expensive modern alternatives like BFBC2 or COD6. Running under Windows, Linux and Mac likewise. Implementing new things instead of dreaming of it.
And there are enough people that could participate, taking all programmers together playing different games on different OS now... :ugeek: