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Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:25 am
Last night I was sitting watching will and grace<--jkin,when I remembered that 3dsmax has rag doll physics so my though is im gunna take the us skeleton.ske and remake the death animation as a guy dying is a rag doll constraint,Tell me what ya think :O

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:32 am
by fo0k
are you suggesting you try to give give the player ragdoll physics in game or this is just a new death animation? either way would be cool to see a new one for sure..

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:53 am
Ok In 3dsmax,Ill take the solider skeleton,animate it with a ragdoll death and replace the original death,you cannot make active rag doll physics on game,I don't believe.

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:50 am
by fo0k
Kinda funny thing on death animations.. I know the producer for bf42 who is still at Dice. I had been working there until November when I got laid off with a heap of other EA folk. There are very few people left at Dice who worked on 42 actually which left me as probably the biggest fan alongside Lars. Something he mentioned as an original idea for the game was that if a player was killed by a tank shell (headshot) it would just leave a pair of smoking boots :)

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:40 am
by Apache Thunder
I got close to getting the BF soldier skeleton to behave with 3DSMax ragdoll physics. But alas, it still won't work right for me. Feel free to try it. If you can get it to work without the skeleton exploding or going haywire share the results! :D

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:54 pm
Yes I have it working good

This one is kinda messy but I have some working alot nicer than this one but here's a quick look,just import the ussolider.ske and then this

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:55 pm
by fo0k
yeah legs go a bit funny but kinda cool :)

how do you display the player model in max (rigged with the bones) ? I never tried animations.

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:04 pm
by Senshi
If you only need it for display purpose, there's an excellent (original DICE) sample file included in your MDT download. Just look into your MDT folder under "3dsmax samples", there's a Russian 3p soldier skeleton with skinmesh avaible.

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:05 pm
by Apache Thunder
Chances are you didn't make this animation with the mesh rigged. (to try it on a rigged mesh, find the 3DSMax example files from the MDT, it has the soldier skeleton and mesh rigged for you!).

I opened the example file which has an exact copy of the USSoldier skeleton with the russion soldier mesh rigged onto it. I could see exactly how the animation would appear ingame....

And the results aren't pretty...


A bit of a mess is a understatement. That's the end result. Soldier does some kind of fall but the body gets all twisted up. I got about as far as you did. I was able to get the skeleton to fall without going crazy, but thus far it always resulted in the soldier mesh getting twisted up in a manner similer to what you have there.

Looks like you need to go back to the drawing board. :P

Re: Had a cool though,ragdoll for 1942

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:25 pm
by Senshi
Problem with your baf is the soldier falls straight down. Every single bone tumbles down along the vertical axis, and has the bones have no angular limits in relation to their next adjacent bone, they are allowed to fall as it pleasese them, causing a gigantic mess ;) .