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Re: Models on Demand

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:29 pm
by Senshi
What happened with you working with BG42? IIRC you signed up for the modding team there some months ago?

Re: Models on Demand

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:01 pm
by fo0k
Mr mod,

This would be great. I think its important that they are only in SM format (unless specifically useful to have in max format) and they should be provided ideally with a functioning objects folder and all textures. It needs to be easy because its being provided for people who dont use 3dmax.. so half finished, untextured etc will cause problems.

On the basis that is just sm format then it shouldnt be using too much bandwidth i guess?

If you can provide a link to it all (via freewebspace..) I will place it onto the bfmods server and provide you with links to it all (to then make a thread).

I forget if theres a gallery section here yet but it was an idea.. there is 'requests and completed' work sections so i guess it will sit well in the completed bit.

lmk what you think.

Re: Models on Demand

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:00 pm
by (mr)howdoimod
@ senshi: You're correct, I did in fact sign up to help. However, between school and holidays and my general tendency to lack proper motivation to complete any project taking more than 2 days, I decided that I couldn't commit to anything with BG42.

I also rarely mod anymore. Most of my free time on my computer is spent practicing 3d art and making web sites for friends and family.

@ Fo0k: Ok, I'll see what I can do. You say that "half finished, untextured etc will cause problems", however, I have plenty of models that don't have textures and I believe that other modders that know how to make and apply textures would benefit from the free models. But if you only want textured models that ok.

The other thing, you say that "On the basis that is just sm format then it shouldnt be using too much bandwidth i guess?". However, you're asking that I supply not only the .SM format file but also the Folders to go along with the object, including textures. This in turn could take up a bit of space, but I guess if I .rar it, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I'll also supply you with a gif image of the object, rotating, so that people can see what they're downloading.

If you need any more information, let me know.

Re: Models on Demand

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:30 pm
by Senshi
Well, BG42 has lots of team members that only supply stuff once in about a year...but as long as they provide and help enlarging the mods' pool that's okay. That's what I personally like so much about BG42. I'm doing animations for them atm, but I didn't do much for the last months as I was quite busy with the upcoming exams and papers at university and simply wanted to spend my PC time with gaming more currently, though I'm still active on the forums, contributing feedback to discussions and other peoples' project updates. And nobody has a problem with that :) . Same goes for modeling. Everyone will be thankful, even if you only provide a single object that's in dire need for a certain theatre or a certain army. E.g. currently the "minor" armies (France, Italy etc.) have high priority in getting their equipment expanded so they can be upgraded to major armies, fielding the same good range of equipment in their battles as the major armies already can.

So if you have any objects on WW2 stuff that is not already covered (or is an improvement to current stuff, e.g. work is also currently on replacing the often awful DICE models) I'm sure the BG team would be thankful if you'd let them use it. Even statics are often asked for when our mappers need specific stuff for specific scenarios (most prominent: important bridges and the like).

Even if you'd "only" do the unwrapping of existing models (we sadly have several awesome meshes, some for several months, that urgently need UVW mapping and textures. Biggest problem are the UVW mappings...) people would be very thankful.

Same goes for everyone, if you have some cool stuff and wouldn't mind it being implemented into the last big WW2 mod for BF42 alive, feel free to knock the team up. Full credits would be given, and praises from the team are certain ;) .

Sorry for the advertising, but I'd really love to see some of the awesome work I know people are doing here to be contributed to the larger community that a "big mod" has to offer.

Re: Models on Demand

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:12 am
by Bonaparte
Ok first of all, i need 20's police cars, civilian cars and that kind of crap. But if someone of you guys know how to texture, i could use police and mobster skins. I must say that i suck at modding, but im a professional mapper (done lots of pretty nice maps for fh 0.7). So get used to me crying for help ;)