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Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:05 am
by fo0k
So I'm currently downlo.. obtaining this game.. now knowing that it uses similar tech to bf1942 I thought I would try and steal some of the audio/script.. Apache.. do I have a hope of doing this? can i open the RFA's with winrfa? I will see in a moment but I thought I would pre-empt problems :)

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:44 am
by Apache Thunder
Some coding is similar and the sound scripts I haven't checked mucb, but they should work after minor changes. Some of the mesh files can also be imported.

Another thing that's interesting is the BAF files that the game uses. Normally, you can't import them, but there is a app called bafconverter that is packed in the animations rfa of Battlefield Vietnam. It has no use for any of the existing BF42/BFV baf files, but it seems to be designed to convert baf files that are the same as the ones used in Rallisport. Since I ran a few Rallisport baf files through it, and then they would import and would probably work in BF1942/BFV. :P

Anyways I have already extracted all the game files:


WinRFA will not work on the files used by Rallisport. They are stored in a older archive format that is quite different then RFAs. I don't recall, but the app used for extracting the game data is included in that archive....maybe as it's been awhile since I uploaded it. :P

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:23 am
by fo0k
Apache Thunder wrote: Anyways I have already extracted all the game files:
epic!, thanks dl'ing!

gonna take a look and report back :)

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:58 am
by fo0k
oh lord.. :)

for someone who makes driving mods this is something I should have had years back :)

this is greeeeat.. plenty of juicy noises.. and the ssc's 'appear' to be identical. just first glances..

did you ever see anything in rsc regarding the tiretracks function that appeared in the bf exe?

and.. is it possible to achieve sounds when you release a button? like for a dump valve etc?

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:04 pm
by fo0k
found your thread on RSC: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=542

so that answers a bit more now :)

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:16 pm
by Apache Thunder
lol. Hope my research on it helps. There is a few things from Rallisport still present in BF1942. Most of the weather coding, the skidmark coding, and the lensflares. But none of them are functional now. :(

I've taken a closer look at the SSC files and the only real difference I see is the "controlSource" command refers to things that might not exist in BF1942.

Collision control source type from Barrel Object:

Code: Select all

*** Collision volume ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Extern #map<Collision::Volume>
	envelope Ramp
	param 0
	param 1
	param 0
	param 1	

As for the cars, it has more differences. There is a object class devoted to this that doesn't exist in BF1942:


Code: Select all

ObjectTemplate.create CarSoundPlayer AstraAiCarSound

Rem *** Car Engine Sounds ***
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/Engine.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/Pipe.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/PipeReleaseBoost1.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/PipeReleaseBoost2.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/PipeReleaseBoost3.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/PipeBoost1.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/PipeBoost2.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/PipeBoost3.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sound/Simple/EngineThrottle.ssc
rem *** General sounds   ***
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/GearShift.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/HandBrake.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/WheelSlipX.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/WheelSlipZ.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/Weather.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/Glassbreak.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/PipeBoom.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/PipeBlowOut.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/Whine.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/Collision.ssc
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ../General/Sounds/Simple/WheelFriction.ssc
Well according to that you can assign multiple sound scripts to a single object. But unsure if this would work like that in BF1942 as this object class might have been designed for it.

The Engine.ssc file:

Code: Select all

#include ../../CarMap.ssc

*** Ide Inside ***


load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/Cars/Opelastra/Idleinside.wav
volume 0.9
minDistance 30
relativePosition 0/1/2.0 

*** Engine Pitch ***
	controlDestination Pitch
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Speed>
	envelope Ramp
	param 1
	param 20
	param .9
	param .1

*** Fade out ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Rpm>
	envelope Ramp
	param 700
	param 2000
	param 1
	param -1

*** Inside/Outside Volume ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Ouside>
	envelope Ramp
	param 1
	param 1
	param 1
	param -1

*** Ide outside ***

load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/Cars/Opelastra/Idleoutside.wav
volume 0.8
minDistance 30
relativePosition 0/1/2.0

*** Engine Pitch ***
	controlDestination Pitch
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Speed>
	envelope Ramp
	param 1
	param 20
	param .9
	param .1

*** Fade out ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Rpm>
	envelope Ramp
	param 700
	param 2000
	param 1
	param -1

*** Inside/Outside Volume ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Ouside>
	envelope Ramp
	param 1
	param 1
	param 0
	param 1

*** Distance Volume ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Distance
	envelope Ramp
	param 310
	param 450
	param 1
	param -1

*** Rumble ***
load @ROOT/Sound/@RTD/General/Rumble3.wav
volume .5
minDistance 30

*** Engine Pitch ***
	controlDestination Pitch
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Rpm>
	envelope Ramp
	param 1000
	param 13000
	param .8
	param .2

*** Fade In ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Rpm>
	envelope Ramp
	param 1000
	param 4000
	param 0
	param 1

*** Fade out ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Extern #map<Car::Rpm>
	envelope Ramp
	param 4000
	param 10000
	param 1
	param -1

*** Distance Volume ***
	controlDestination Volume
	controlSource Distance
	envelope Ramp
	param 310
	param 450
	param 1
	param -1	
The control source for that refers to a custom "Car" mapping that is loaded via a include command at the start of the file:


Code: Select all

#beginMap Car
There are other sound scripts like throttle and such that are separate and not all in one ssc file in BF1942. They "might" work in BF1942 once merged and the control source command corrected to use BF1942 equivalents. In the end though, it may be easier to get car engine sounds to work if you take an existing BF1942 ssc file and adapt it to use the Rallisport ones.

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:03 pm
by fo0k
yeah I did take a bit more of a look last night and saw the include file.. would be great to have that functionality. It's opened up ideas that I hadn't previously thought of like the noise the wheels make on tarmac or gravel etc. I did try one of the rsc ssc'swith slight changes but just got a ctd. Also looked at some of the camera controls to see if there were any changes that could be made but nothing stood out. internal and external sounds would also be good.. its a shame that these things were not included with bf42.

The one thing I would like to achieve which is not rsc specific is to have a dump valve/turbo release noise when you take your finger off the gas. I was thinking of the No4 rifle and how you can hold fire to maintain zoom and then when you release it reloads, which in turn calls the reload sound. however on looking at it I didn't really figure it out.

Any thoughts on how to get that sound? It would need to play the instant you release 'w'. Basically something like the pipeboost soundsa from rsc,

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:22 am
by Swaffy
fo0k wrote:I was thinking of the No4 rifle and how you can hold fire to maintain zoom and then when you release it reloads, which in turn calls the reload sound. however on looking at it I didn't really figure it out.
That sounds like an idea taken from Battlefield: Bad Company 2. For bolt-action sniper rifles, you must let go of the zoom [left trigger] for your character to cock back the bolt.

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:27 pm
by Apache Thunder
How about coding a rapid fire weapon to your vehicle that fires invisible projectiles that last 0 seconds? It could be activated by throttle key and would have the weapon sound script with the fire and release sounds. ;)

(the fire sound would not loop like it would for normal weapons)

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:38 am
by fo0k
im not too noobish with weapons but im far from knowledegable..

I can probably get something to fire on throttle but could you give an idea of how the sound would be triggered when you release it?

edit.. i also recall trying to get '2 things' happening on the throttle once and the second didnt work.. now i was probably screwing it up.. but theres no reason why 'w' cant act as throttle and fire something too i take it?

and i dont quite get how the game knows what the 'reload' sound it in the ssc...? is it literally the ### Reload ### text? i assumed this was essentially just a remmed out note.

2nd edit: *realises he has never played with ssc's whatsoever before!