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Ragdoll Effects

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:25 pm
by tekk
I am not all that entirely sure about the ragdoll animinations as to where they go, I downloaded Apaches effects and thought that maybe I would just need to replace current ones but after comparing some of the files to the default ones in both BF42/DC I find that there are none that match. So im assuming that these ones dont overwrite existing but rather adds to them ?. Usually I can learn how something is done by picking apart there mod but in this case its just the files and im lost as to where in the file tree they go exactly. Anyways its a custom DCF map that I would like to install them too.

Just want to make sure that I dont need to alter any files beyond my custom mod , thanks :)

-----------------Topics Merged - Apache Thunder ----------------------------------------

I am trying to add Apaches ragdoll effects to my custom map, Now I dont have that much knowledge regarding animations for soldiers so im asking the community for a bit of insight. I downloaded his new version of bf242 that included the ragdoll , I followed the paths by adding the ragdoll folder to the animations root folder aswell as the tweaks as instructed in the 3dmax tuts.

Now I read in the tuts section that it was not attempted to add it map based and therefor not sure if it would work , Now im wondering if anyone with more animations experience than what I know has managed to add them to there map ?

I thought that I could figure it out by the way apache included them into his mod but i was wrong so any ideas or info would be great, I seriously want those animations lol.

Re: Ragdoll Effects

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:12 am
by Apache Thunder
Don't create duplicate threads if one goes unanswered. Your new thread appears to relate more to your older thread, thus it is best to that you had replied to it expanding your question instead of creating a new thread with a nearly identical name. (only difference was you made effects plural in the new thread title).

I have merged the two and edited this reply to the old one. Try to avoid doing this again.


When I made the animations, I decided it would be easier to recode the animation states to point to a single folder instead of putting them all where the original vanilla files were. The only thing that is the same about them in respect to the vanilla animations is the file names and what each BAF file is used on which state.

Some of the animations like the lower/upper body animations were located in different directories buried in other directories. I decided to save some time and relocate them to a more sensible location. ;)

The "Ragdoll" folder with the baf files goes into the animations rfa. The con files go in the root folder of the animations rfa. If you already have any con files with the same name, then you would of coarse make sure any custom stuff you did in your con files doesn't get wiped out when you install mine or other user's con files. It's common sense. ;)

All the con files basically do is change the animation speeds and file paths to the baf files. You could relocate them back to where the vanilla files used to be, but you still need to update the 3pAnimationsTweaking.con file as my animations don't play at the same speed as the vanilla ones. You would end up with them playing way too fast if you used the vanilla settings. ;)

EDIT: Also in reply to your newer question, it may be that this can't be done map side. You will need to install the animations in your mod instead of your map if you can't get it to work in your map files.

Re: Ragdoll Effects

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:33 am
by tekk
I apologize, I actually totally forgot about the previous thread being posted , thought it was in the pm that I had sent you but it is well noted about duplicate threads as I dont intentionally do this.

Now I guess I should ask a very basic question as I didnt want to ask in the past as it seems like a very NooB question, What exactly is the difference between map side and a mod ? The only kind of mods I do is take a map such as dust bowl and import vehicles/weapons from other places such as DCX , now is this considered map based where like your bf242 would be considered a mod ?
I have always called mine mods so i may be mixing up my terms when asking for help.

Now if my map is considered "map based" then in order to make the animations work would be to create a "mod" such as you did with bf242 ?

Re: Ragdoll Effects

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:44 am
by Apache Thunder
A map side mod is a mod done solely in the map's RFA file and not the host mod the map is installed in. Maps can define their own objects, meshes, sounds, among a few other things. Modifications to existing object templates is also possible and perhaps a little animation changes. One of the things I definitely know can't be done map side is editing existing material IDs in the damage system and creating new handweapon animations. I have yet to see any custom handweapons that exist solely on in the map files. The weapons work, but I have been unable to get them to use existing animations or even new ones for that matter.