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Mustangs spawning when they shouldn't..

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:15 pm
by fo0k
so I have 2 Mustangs attached to a flag that is neutral at the start of the round. I also have 2 planes and 2 helis attached to this base.

On map load the planes and heli's are not visible as expected.. but the Mustangs appear. They are displaying in ed42 as being attached to the correct flag and have the same osid as the planes and helis in OST.

Before posting code etc.. had anyone had this prob?

Re: Mustangs spawning when they shouldn't..

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:54 pm
by freddy
do the mustangs spawn if you cap the flag?

i dont use ed42 so dont know if its something wrong with it

Re: Mustangs spawning when they shouldn't..

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:10 pm
by Matchy
well i haven't used battle craft much but after its done your map just check it your self,
Make sure there is not a line setting the team for the spawner in your ObjectSpawns.con.

Then it wont spawn intill the flag has set the team.