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Video: Nekomata Hovertank in Bf1942

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:18 pm
by archer

Hi, I had wanted to port that strafing hovertank from Bf2142 to Bf1942, but then i decided to make a whole new vehicle altogether, one that would fit the time period. Of course there were no repulsor engines back in 1940s, so the only way was to make it a hovercraft. It's only semi-plausible, because HC were in their infancy back then and could not possibly carry a tank cannon, not to mention any armor...

As a nice side effect, the 1942 Nekomata also works over water. As much as we can speculate about a hypothetical 22nd century repulsor drive, there's just no reason for a hovercraft not to float. It's also quite fast and maneuverable, but can be destroyed with just one well-aimed shot from any tank. This makes it quite hard to win, but it's very rewarding.

As for scripting, the vehicle uses 4 casual floatingBundles. I has 5 c_ETPlane engines, two used for strafing, another two for turning, and one for going forward/backward. An additional c_ETShip engine makes it go faster when floating. To make it "hover" over land I used the same technique as the original from 2142: invisible wheels with a custom collision geometry (they are more like trackballs than wheels.) This doesn't work perfectly, as strafing on the ground feels a bit clumsy - either I did something wrong with the wheel geometry, or it's the fault of the physics engine.

I'll try to get a download for it later, as for now I await your comments :)

Re: Video: Nekomata Hovertank in Bf1942

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:20 am
by Poow
Awesome work :D
I really like that beast^^

Did you looked into the code of the other hovercrafts, already made for 1942?

Re: Video: Nekomata Hovertank in Bf1942

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:54 pm
by archer
Oh, actually that didn't occur to me, but I did look at the 2142 Nekomata code. I haven't played DC for a long time, but now I think I remember there was some kind of hovercraft there...

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:36 pm
by freddy
looks nice!

Re: Video: Nekomata Hovertank in Bf1942

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:52 am
by anselmus
Nice work! :o
Could send the file?