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Uploading Mods

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:27 pm
by Tuesday
Hey, I'm completely new to modding and I have got stuck. So far I have just been altering the Control Points, Soldier Spawns and Object Spawns using Battlecraft 1942. I have been modding the map Berlin and I have made all the changes to that map that I wanted to, what are the next steps if I want to upload my mods to my server?

I would be grateful for any reply.

Re: Uploading Mods

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:20 pm
by fo0k
although I have not setup the link yet, you can access the original tutorials here:

The getting started will help explain things and in general those tuts will all help you a great deal!

Re: Uploading Mods

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:09 pm
by Tuesday
Thanks for the link but I really am a noob modder :? and I need the next steps I need to take :) not a load of information which most doesn't seems to apply to me :(

Re: Uploading Mods

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:25 pm
by fo0k
Are you wanting to make a mod that is just serverside or are you expecting to get people to download it?

If you make a serverside mod you can only move existing control points, spawns etc and not create new ones. Assuming you have just done this you will need to make a patch file ( and then upload the patch to your server. If you have made any changes to the layout of the map with buildings and textures etc you will need to provide everyone with a copy of the map in order to play.

The first two sections [getting started] and [prepping your files] are relevant to you if you are new to this.

See if you can get the patch made following the tut and if not perhaps explain a bit more about the changes you have made to the map.