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BF2 opening a .pny file

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:50 am
by Airman
I have been modding BF42 SSM for a while and the .con files open with notepad.

Now I would like to mod BF2.

:?: :arrow: Which program opens a .pny file ?

Any additional advice on modding BF2 files would be appreciated. ;)

Thank you

Re: BF2 opening a .pny file

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:33 am
by Apache Thunder
Um...are you sure you didn't mean a PNG? (closest thing I can find on your extension was PNG. Could also be PY files, but those are python scripts)

BF2 PNGs are sneaky buggers. Sometimes they are actually in PNG format other times they are in DDS format but with the PNG extension. Try opening them with the same app you use to open/edit DDS files. You may need to try changing them to DDS extension first. Rule of thumb is, if the PNG fails to show anything in Windows's Preview tool or has no thumbnail, then it is a DDS file and not a true PNG file.

If however you meant the PY files which are python scripts, then your looking in the wrong place. Python scripts do effect mods in some ways but "most" standard modding is not done with PY files. It's in con files just like BF42. Just that they are packed in ZIP files instead of RFA files. ;) (also note the "tweak" files. They are also CON file type files. Just BF2's odd form of organization. Some basic code is in the CON files and the rest are in Tweak files)

Re: BF2 opening a .pny file

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:19 am
by Senshi
I think he means python scripts. .py and .pyc is used by BF2.

.py can be opened with a notepad tool too, .pyc are compressed python scripts, you'll need to download the free - behold - Python. yes. That's the name of the program used to edit python files. Who would have guessed... :D

Re: BF2 opening a .pny file

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:30 pm
by Airman
I thank you gentlemen for your quick and informative responses. 8-)

I did mean the .py ( python ) file. ( opening with notepad now. . . thanks )

I noticed that the jets fly a bit slugish in BF2, any hints on tweaking the physics to make them handle better ?

thank you ;)