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CSM- Destructable Guard Towers

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:09 am
by tekk
I have a embarrasing issue, I imported the destructable guard towers from DCX into my DCF mod that I have started. The towers material number is 92 by default, no weapons on DCF would do damage to the towers, so i switched it with material 45 that I got from the humvee on dcf. The problem is that it seems like only the c4 will destroy the towers with mat 45 , i have tried other mat id's but nothing seems to be working. Any idea what may be going on?

Re: CSM- Destructable Guard Towers

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:49 pm
by Marshall_Nord
DCX’s destructible guard tower uses the vanilla static model mesh “guard tow_m1”. The COL02 mesh for this model has four material I.D.’s : 82, 85, 92 & 99. Doing a quick check in the T72 projectile’s damage system, all of these material I.D.’s have a zero damage modifier vs. this projectile:

Code: Select all

MaterialManager.damageMod 0.0
Unless you change this, the projectile will not cause damage to the destructible tower. The material I.D. from the objects.con file that you changed from 92 to 45 is only used when determining damage from an explosive/splash-based damage code.

Another option is to reassign the material I.D.s for the model, but that is more involved.

Re: CSM- Destructable Guard Towers

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:26 pm
by tekk
Thanks for the reply, I really have not toyed with mad id's before so this is valuable info for me, Once I finish waking up and having my coffee im gonna sort out this info and try solve the issue, Thanks Marshall :)