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Re: SSM Questions

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:23 pm
by freddy
Black Mamba wrote:I was just wondering, is deleting spawn points and flags and moving them Server Side?
that should work
Black Mamba wrote: And does this code work SS for a pure infantry map?

Code: Select all GrenadeAllies
ObjectTemplate.magSize 0 GrenadeAxis
ObjectTemplate.magSize 0
i doubt this should work, but give it a try

Re: SSM Questions

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:05 am
by Jeronimo
- Removing CPs does work. Looks a bit weird, though, because you can still see the shadow of the flag pole.
- Moving them works, too, but the clients will still see the icon of the capzone (the little flag showing that you're capturing it) in the area of the original position. Furthermore you cant change the strategic areas of bots if you want to do this in COOP, so they'll not be able to move to the new flag position.
- Adding new ones doesn't work.

The magSize property changes... hm... the size of a weapon's magazine. For example grenades have 1 mag with 3 "rounds" in them:

Code: Select all

ObjectTemplate.magSize 3
ObjectTemplate.numOfMag 1
Changing this SSM does work in some cases with some weapons, but it cant be taken for granted. There had been a discussion about that before (best would be to search through the old files) and different effects were reported. I wouldn't recommend changing it. :|

Re: SSM Questions

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:55 pm
by N!tro
I believe ObjectTemplate.magType 1 is the only way SSM
Nades still can be used, show effects and sounds but they do no damage at all

Code: Select all GrenadeAllies
ObjectTemplate.magType 1 GrenadeAxis
ObjectTemplate.magType 1
The controlpoints can be moved and still will show the flags and their new positions on map and minimap.
If you want the minimap spawnpoint dot to follow their flag, well just place the spawnpoints around the new controlpoint...
You also can delete the controlpoint but the spawnpoints will remain as permanent spawns, or delete the spawnpoints and keep the controlpoint that will then stand for a ticket story, or delete both...(that works for BfV and should work Bf42)