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Exporting from 3ds max i get no .sm file. Clues?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:05 pm
by pv das florestas
Hi. Thank you for hearing my problem, wich is that when i try to export a model from 3ds max into .sm format, i only get the .rs file. The .sm file never shows up on the folder i exported it to.

Im using the updated plugins i think Senshi made(thanks for that), and it seems to work fine other than the issue im having. Can import models no problem. I first tried it in Max 11 and then on Max 10 but had the same thing happen.

I get no crash or anything. The file just doesnt show up (the .rs file does, just the .sm doesnt). Any clues on what may be going on? I dont know what more information to give...

I tried exporting it using all the different options. Tried exporting just a mesh. Tried using a complete one with properly named meshes for shadow, lod, bbox etc. I dont know what else i can try.

Re: Exporting from 3ds max i get no .sm file. Clues?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:28 pm
by BotHunter
This happened to me awhile back, try making a simple box mesh and exporting it. See if that works. If it does, then it is the mesh you are trying to export. But if not, then it is the program.

Re: Exporting from 3ds max i get no .sm file. Clues?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:35 pm
by exe
I had this problem when I first started using 3ds max, see my topic here:

Solution on 2nd page.

Re: Exporting from 3ds max i get no .sm file. Clues?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:25 pm
by pv das florestas
Thanks exe, your topic solved the issue. I was saving to a simple folder with no weird characters, but 3ds max was installed in a folder called "programas sérios zap". After installing it in a different place it worked first try.

Weird problem which would have taken ages to figure out probably, so thanks a bunch. Also sorry for reposting this, if i had searched it properly this post would have been avoided. First time i did this, i guess out of anxiety trying to export my first model :mrgreen:
