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3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:41 am
by Swaffy
Since I installed my AMD Radeon HD 5770 graphics card, the program is unresponsive. If you watch the video, you will notice how none of the program's window is responsive as if frozen. No buttons highlight either.

Does anyone know a solution to this problem?

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:46 am
by Sarge31FR
Which OS are you using ? If you're using Win 7 64 bit, you got the same problem as i do. It's got to be a driver related problem, let me try to explain:

In December of 2012, i had to re-install my entire system. I used the then current AMD driver and max 7 DID work flawlessly (although officially unsupported under Win 7 !), without any compat mode etc. This went on until last year, when i re-installed my system (new HD) and installed the then current AMD driver. And guess what.... max 7 froze right at the viewport ! Ever since then, i couldn't get max 7 to work again, and i tried every new driver including beta versions, none helped. Now it COULD be possible that max will work again using the old driver from November/December 2012, but do i really want that old driver ?

And, it gets even better: max 8 including SP3 NEVER worked on Win 7 64 bit when max 7 worked in 2012, but since my re-install last year, max 8 WORKS without problems (ok, the mod tools still suck) but max 7 is screwed. In other words, max 7 now has the same problem that 8 had. I searched the web for infos, but didn't find any solution. And forget about Autodesk support, they only tell you that max 7 is not supported and compatible with Windows 7.

Btw.: i'm using a Radeon HD 6670.

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:06 pm
by fo0k
can you try this..

you need to move a couple of files...

move dds.bmi & dxDDS.bmi from max7\stdplugs\dxplugins to max7\stdplugs\

***You will get a couple of warnings when you start max now but if you 'ok' them max will run fine.

This fix actually fixes a general dds problem with max 7 and win 7 but I have also had these hanging issues on win7 without these files being moved.

give it a go...

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:31 pm
by Swaffy
Sarge31FR wrote:Which OS are you using ? If you're using Win 7 64 bit, you got the same problem as i do.
Yes, I am running Win 7 64-bit on a 64-bit system.
fo0k wrote:move dds.bmi & dxDDS.bmi from max7\stdplugs\dxplugins to max7\stdplugs\
Thanks fo0k, I am trying it at this moment. But on loadup (that small box that shows the plugins the program is preloading) it seems to be stuck on "3dsmax7\stdplugs\dxDDS.bmi".

[Edit] Do I need those plugins if I'm going to use JPG textures anyway?

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:56 am
by freddy
Could be worth to check this out ... -windows-7

Its free download, been meaning to try it a bit but never really got around to it.

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:19 am
by Sarge31FR
quote "Make sure you're running Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate"

That counts me out, i'm using Home Edition :|

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:43 pm
by Vilespring
Sarge31FR wrote:That counts me out, i'm using Home Edition :|
Well, I'm using Windows xp... :lol:
I don't have 3Ds Max, so I do not know. G max is all I can use.

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:47 pm
by Swaffy
Please excuse me for bumping this thread. It's still an issue for me. I reverted the changes I made that Fo0k recommended (Moving some DDS related plugins). I am now back to my initial issue, where the program starts and is basically a static image with no working buttons or anything.

Notice how the grid in the viewport isn't loading. Hmm... Can this be a viewport loading issue?

This is so frustrating because I can't work on any of my models now ... half of my weapons kits have the new models and the other half uses vanilla models. X| Also, I've been searching Google using many different keywords and I just can't figure out what the issue is. I can't find a thread with the same issue, or any suggestions that might solve my issue.

[Edit] I'm currently backing up my user-created content and am going to do a reinstall.

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:10 am
by Sarge31FR
Well, even with the latest AMD driver max7 won't work. I tried installing max7 on a FRESH Windows 8.1 64bit installation, with only the latest AMD driver installed, and got exactly the same problem as with Windows 7. Freezes right at the first sight of the viewport. So it definetly is a driver issue, except the fact that officially max7 is neither compatible with Windows 7 or higher.

Oh, and NO, i don't own that crap OS Windows 8.1, but i was able to test it for free. I hate that stupid Metro shit :D

Re: 3DS Max 7: Freeze/Unresponsive Issue (AMD Radeon HD 5770

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:19 am
by Swaffy
Today I uninstalled 3DS Max 7 and reinstalled it hoping the issue will get fixed. But it didn't, nothing changed.

I am going to try out 3DS Max 8, but I'd really rather use Max 7 if possible. So if anyone knows a possible solution PLEASE tell me!