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Game not keep track of kill count

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:47 am
by Swaffy
I remember setting the scoring for Co-Op where no points are credited to players, but it seems like the game still keeps track of the amount of kills and deaths a player had. Is there anything I can change that will cause the game to NOT add a point to a player's kill count when he gets a kill?

My goal is to have players getting points/score for only capturing bases but nothing else.

Re: Game not keep track of kill count

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:35 am

Code: Select all

ScoreManager.kill 0
ScoreManager.death 0
ScoreManager.capture 1
ScoreManager.attack 0
ScoreManager.defence 0
ScoreManager.TK 0

Re: Game not keep track of kill count

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:05 am
by freddy
Swaffy wrote: Is there anything I can change that will cause the game to NOT add a point to a player's kill count when he gets a kill?
only way around it, see to that the player doesnt get the kill in the first place.

it might not be possible to make it work good in a fast pace game, but you can use spawners on bullets and let them spawn something team neutral to kill soldiers with collisionforce instead of the damagesystem.

Re: Game not keep track of kill count

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:08 pm
by Diamondback
It is possible to do, but it requires meme file editing. You can "NULL" (delete) the nodes related to the columns "kills" and "deaths" for both teams, leaving only the "score" column.

BF MDT has a Meme File Editor which works very well for this.

Re: Game not keep track of kill count

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:09 pm
by Swaffy
Well, then I assume it's another change that requires changing the EXE. Dang.

Re: Game not keep track of kill count

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:31 pm
by Diamondback
Swaffy wrote:Well, then I assume it's another change that requires changing the EXE. Dang.
Not even, I successfully removed the Axis scoreboard in my Death Match mini mod just by editing the corresponding meme file (those files without extensions stored in the Menu.rfa). It can be done if you know which nodes have to be edited. The file you want to edit with the Meme File Editor in the BF MDT is called ''InGame''. I can look for the correct references for what you want to accomplish when I have a moment.