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Creating the E-100 super-heavy tank (CANCELLED)

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:44 pm
by Skull Kid
So... I have taken upon me the great task of re-creating the E-100 super-heavy tank for Battlefield 1942. I have found plans from above, left, right and front of it, so I feel quite confident that this will go well =)

I will be creating it in 3ds Max 2013, and export to .3ds and use DICE's own .3ds to .sm converter to put it in Battlefield 1942 =)

Anyway, I have the sad news to tell... I recently canceled the Landkreuzer P. 1500 "Monster" project... as that "tank" (if you'd like to call that a tank :lol:) would be too big to fit in a Battlefield 1942 level, and with it's 800 mm horror gun, it would purlverize anything it came up against... so...

But here goes the E-100 super-heavy tank WIP, wish me luck.

Re: Creating the E-100 super-heavy tank

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:54 pm
by Senshi
Best of luck with that project :) , you are sure in for a lot of work (and hopefully fun). Keep us posted on your progress :) .

Regarding the workaround with the .3ds, you don't need that. You can use my updated version of the MDT 2.75 (see my sig) which I made compatible with all Max 8+ versions. Nicer interface, more options, and especially more forgiving on possible mesh errors than the often horrid 3ds conversions on complex meshes.

Re: Creating the E-100 super-heavy tank

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:01 pm
by Skull Kid
Senshi wrote:Best of luck with that project :) , you are sure in for a lot of work (and hopefully fun). Keep us posted on your progress :) .

Regarding the workaround with the .3ds, you don't need that. You can use my updated version of the MDT 2.75 (see my sig) which I made compatible with all Max 8+ versions. Nicer interface, more options, and especially more forgiving on possible mesh errors than the often horrid 3ds conversions on complex meshes.
Ah, that's a thing I did not take in account until now, your MDT 2.761! But will it work with the latest 3ds Max 2013?

Re: Creating the E-100 super-heavy tank

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:39 pm
by Senshi
Yes, as stated in my previous post, the sig and the linked thread ;) .

Re: Creating the E-100 super-heavy tank

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:19 am
by Skull Kid
Senshi wrote:Yes, as stated in my previous post, the sig and the linked thread ;) .
Ok, thanks :)

Re: Creating the E-100 super-heavy tank

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:39 pm
by Diamondback
In my opinion, if I may, I think it would be wise to base some of your model on some already existing models in some of the game's mods, if said models exist of course.

Would eliminate most of the work.

Re: Creating the E-100 super-heavy tank

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:14 pm
by Skull Kid
So... right now... I'm gonna use 3ds Max 7 to model the tank... and Photoshop CS6 to re-scale the images (plans) correctly... that's good Skull Kid, you've taken the first step to create this behemoth :D *pats self on back*