BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

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BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by GoodDayToDie!! »

Hello again,

I finished up a map for the Interstate82 mod, and all I have left to do is pack it up using Gmake(or any other recommended program) to obtain that "glossy" look.

I followed this tutorial: ... 1260#11260

And afterwards, I went to launch BF42 and nothing happened:( So I removed the map from my levels folder and sure enough, BF launches fine....

There was only one custom object in the map that I wasn't sure about so I removed it and tried again...I got the same result...

The only other questionable thing I did to this map was:

This is a modded version of an original map from Interstate, I used battlecraft to add in the objects I wanted. When I 1st opened this map, there were more objects than BC would allow, so it removed many of them(trees,object spawns, etc) since the max number of objects were placed before I started, I went into the StaticObjects.con and removed many unwanted objects(light posts for example) that gave me an extra 200 objects to add. After I was again approaching max # of objects placed, I again went into StaticObjects.con and this time cut out many other objects and saved them into a text file to add back in once the map was complete. Well, the map is complete and I added those removed statics back in....

Any ideas gentlemen?
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by Senshi »

"nothing happened" is kind of a insufficient description. Did the level show up, but was unlaunchable? Did it crash during load?

Many possibilities, many different reasons that can cause them.

The BC42 static object limits is just that, a BC limitation. No need to remove anything if you use ED42, but many hardcore BC42 users just separate stuff into an additional .con (Like Static_Vegetation.con) and then just use "run Static_Vegetation.con" at the end of the init.con of the map to make sure it gets loaded. Still an ugly workaround, obviously.

None of the steps you describe should pose any kind of issue for the game to recognize the level. It's kind of odd, as getting the game to recognize new levels is usually super simple. I personally don't use Gmake (alway too cumbersome), but use BGA to look through .rfas (which is awesome, but also has some bugs) and for packing up .rfas - where I want to be 100% sure it doesn't get messed up - I use the bf1942.exe command line batch approach itself. That one is absolutely failsafe.
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by GoodDayToDie!! »

"nothing happened" meaning just that, I clicked on my bf42 shortcut to run it....and she didn't run:/
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by Swaffy »

Oh, I've had that issue before. First, check to see if you have any RFA files with ".bak" or ".backup" (I can't remember which one) as the file type for your RFA(s).

Next, try to see if all the file paths in your map's RFA file are correctly set up. Then, well. Hmm. If your game is crashing upon start-up, for me it's always been on of the RFAs in the Archive folder.
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by Senshi »

If the game doesn't start at all, it's most probably a wrong path inside an archive or wrong references inside the level files. Try running with the debugger in windowed version and it might help you pinpoint the issue.

Make absolutely sure you use "bf1942\levels\xxx" as base path for packing the map!
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by GoodDayToDie!! »

I know now that I'm packing it wrong....for the life of me I don't understand what I'm doing incorrectly...

Is this too simple a task for a tutorial to be written? -.-
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by Swaffy »

We can try this. Make a video showing what you're doing when packing your map. But before you pack it, show us the file tree of the map, beginning with the "bf1942" folder.

I don't know what else can be done beside this step...
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by Senshi »

There's not much of a tutorial necessary. Both the links (especially the latter) explain in detail how to pack an rfa for a level.

When using WinRFA, it is absolutely crucial to select your map for packing and in the field below labeled "Base Path:" enter "bf1942\levels\".
The base path is just what the name says: A base path that should be added BEFORE the actual folder you want to pack as a rfa. As level files are stored in bf1942\levels\ you need to set that base path.

This base path has to be there in one form or the other. You can easily check if you did it right by opening the .rfa afterwards with winRFA/BGA and seeing that the topmost folders inside the rfa are bf1942\levels\MAPNAME\ .

If you want an example, simply open the .rfa of any other existing map.
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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by cajunwolf »

First, explain what you mean by that "glossy" look you were supposed to get from packing the map. This doesn't make sense as all your doing is packing the extracted map into a compressed refactor file so the game engine can run it. Packing adds no effect at all to the map.

I found the tutorial you posted very poor and seemed condescending at best, besides being totally lacking in actual helpful content. If your going to write a tutorial do so in a complete and detailed manner with the intent of helping, or don't do it at all .. to hard? I CAN help is much more productive. Nuff said on this.

Second, do not use GmakeRFA, but instead GUI_RfaPack which comes with the latest MDT along with WinRFA as it is the new and preferred tool. I have tutorials for use of this tool and WinRFA HERE. Read them and see if you can see for sure you packed the map in the proper way. Personally, I don't think this is the problem because by this time I am sure you checked this, but to be sure just check again. Have you run it in the debugger and what were the results? This should tell you what the problem is. If it is killing BF totally, nine times out of ten this is a FUBAR map archive, but the debugger will tell you.

Besides the proper packing of a map the most common cause of your problem is packing a map with it open in Battlecraft at the same time. The only solution to this is to start over with the last good copy, if you had the forethought to keep a backup. The only other recourse is to create a new blank map of the same size and ad the height and material maps from the FUBAR map to it. Now go back and ad a few things at a time, save, pack and test as you go maintaining a backup at each stage. This is how you find your bugger and if you get in a hurry, adding to much at a time all you do is once again muddy the waters. This takes patience above all other virtues my friend, and I should know as I have been mapping and modding BF since it came out and have crashed many of maps in this time. If the map was worth it I always fixed them and this is where you really start to learn how Battlefield works, as we only really learn from our mistakes. ;)

The only other possibilities would be messing up something in the internal structure of the map or removing a dependent object like a spawner or effect, though as mentioned by Sensai above the game is pretty forgiving. By the way Sensai, GUI_RfaPack uses the game engine to pack and you get full production compression along with many kewl additional features included in the tool, but I digress. I have a feeling that if indeed the map is packed correctly that during all the deletes, copy - paste, and additions you perhaps wrecked something unintentionally in the process. Either follow my advice above or strip your present copy until you get it to load, once again a little bit at a time until you find the problem.

GoodDayToDie you do lack detail in your description of the actual problem and the details leading up to the map crashing BF. If you re post in a detailed and orderly way perhaps some of older veterans might see the problem in your procedure. Did it actually start to load the map and crash or did it Battlefield it's self not start would be my first inquiry as it is not really clear. You also might want to post a duplicate on my site, Battlefieldsingleplayer, as between these two sites you have perhaps the greatest repository of BF modders and mappers that are still active at your disposal. Detail is so very important because something you might not think significant will give us a clue and therefore not only is your issue solved, but all who participate in the discussion learn many new things as a result. The same applies to those who respond to your query as a short response is no solution where a polite, detailed request is more productive and doesn't put off the person asking the question in the first place. One of the greatest and most helpful posters in BF history has too be Dweller_Benthos. He influenced me many years ago with his style and tireless patience in answering mapping and modding questions in the official BF forums. He never belittled anyone and had a way of answering even what seemed the most stupid questions in a productive and educational manner. He was a really great friend and got me started as many others, and is the reason I not only maintain Battlefieldsingleplayer, but am answering this post in a very detailed manner. I watched many of new mappers and modders he helped over time produce some of the best maps, mods, tools, and effects we have today. I guess what I am saying here is that properly used, these forums are a fantastic tool for spreading knowledge in a collaborative way.

You mention tutorials and There are many mapping tutorials out there and I am going to be bold here and say that none of them are really correct in that they follow the idea that there is a strict order in which you should create your map. This line of thought comes I think from the Battlecraft tutorial that seems, on the surface, to promote this idea. This is totally wrong and I have been working on a mapping tutorial for some time now, but it is a daunting task to say the least. I use Battlecraft and ED42 both at different times while crafting a map, and I might surface, texture, pathmap, move crap around, and test many aspects prior to completion. First and foremost I build a map from the very start with AI in mind, not only in the placement of statics but the general layout of the map it's self. By this I mean I create pathmaps and edit them as I build the map, testing frequently. Using a "sacrificial" or "sandbox" copy of the map I will often shadow and lightmap to see how my ideas, placement of objects, skybox and lighting, and terrain are going to look in the final copy. I use Battlecraft to surface map and get an idea of how I want the textures to look but this is basically making the material map because you paint textures in Battlecraft afterwards. I do all my texture work in ED42 and I begin doing this early on, adjusting it as I go creating a texture file for the map so the final job is but a click on "Texture All". ED42 is a very "manual" map editor and takes skill and knowledge of battlefield mapping to use, but it is an extremely powerful editor and a must have if your serious about making really good maps. Creating the initial map with Battlecraft is the best way to go and it is the best for placing objects. It also sets up the map properly and in contrast ED42 produces only the very basic elements of the map and you have to code in everything else. ED42 has a slight advantage at terrain work, but there are features of Battlecraft that used along with ED42 can create awesome landscapes. All this being said I think if all of us got together, looking at all the different techniques and procedures, a pretty comprehensive set of mapping tutorials could be created. I for one would like to see this happen because I am working as hard as I can to collect all the Battlefield knowledge still out there before anymore of it is lost due to the attrition cause by older mappers and modders who are disappearing at an alarming rate.

I do hope this has been of some help and try what I mentioned, then let us know what happens. Sooner or later the problem will show up.


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Re: BF42 Wont Launch after Packing Map in Gmake...

Post by GoodDayToDie!! »

I apologize for speaking so vague...
That was a good read sir! When I said "glossy" I was actually referring to the ENVMAP_G_.rcm file in the Textures folder....when making an Interstate map, all 6 lines in this file start with "interstate". They need to be changed to say, "bf1942" before packed...Since my copy of WINRFA does not register the change, I heard of Gmake..For example, this change makes the exhaust pipes on the cars appear to be chrome, or glossy as I like to say:) Otherwise, they are a dull gray.
Funny thing is, I learned to use Gmake quite some time ago and it has just been awhile since I used it...I think I just keep missing a step somewhere.
I know the map itself is still works perfect when packed in WINRFA
My maps have definitely improved since I started 2 years ago...I have made and or altered about 12 maps now and counting.
I just might take a gander at some of those other tools you mentioned..
That tutorial was something else alright.
And no I have not ran a debugger...
All I really want is to see a final/updated is82(then I can hang my modding hat) ...... ... .php?67116 ... .php?67263
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