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Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:04 am
by fo0k
ok.. i got the principle of this working when using right mouse button for fire.. but when i map that to the throttle instead i get no sound.. ..?

little clip in action.. (simulated though.. where i have replaced the nitro on second mouse button with the valve sound using the release function in ssc)

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:06 am
Stupid and off topic question but is that battlefield 42? is82 mod? cuz if it is its AWESOME!!!

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:17 am
by fo0k
Ill take that as an extra compliment! yes it is:)

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:58 am
by Swaffy
Holy balls, that car is beautiful for a Battlefield 1942 model. And the sounds are great.

A Saleen S7 is a nice choice for your car. They have quite an attractive shape and sound in the real world.

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:10 am
by motoko
Holy crap. Nice work there, fo0k! That model and those sounds are simply amazing for Battlefield 1942. It also seems like it handles alot better, but that could just be because I suck at driving(I suck at it in real life too).

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:52 am
by fo0k
The vehicles are from either GRID or Dirt. A nice person put them all up in max format to download :)
There's a heap going on in this map. I'll be able to post the details soon! Just gotta make a few more tweaks.

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:14 pm
by Poow
Are you running the bloom mod? Awesome Graphics :)

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:07 pm
by Apache Thunder
fo0k wrote:im not too noobish with weapons but im far from knowledegable..

I can probably get something to fire on throttle but could you give an idea of how the sound would be triggered when you release it?

edit.. i also recall trying to get '2 things' happening on the throttle once and the second didnt work.. now i was probably screwing it up.. but there's no reason why 'w' cant act as throttle and fire something too i take it?

and i don't quite get how the game knows what the 'reload' sound it in the ssc...? is it literally the ### Reload ### text? i assumed this was essentially just a remmed out note.

2nd edit: *realises he has never played with ssc's whatsoever before!

The order the sound files are put in the SSC and the host object they are tied to determines what each sound is used for. I would recommend looking at something from a weapon sound script that already has this set up. If you don't have the order right (and you may need to have filler sounds to pad the file to the correct order. Hence the presence of "silence" sound files in the scripts!) then it won't work correctly.

Also, anything under a randomPlay command counts as a single sound group in the scripts hence any sound used in random play code does not effect the order of any proceeding sound patches. Basically, any sound defined with a newPatch command is a new sound slot. So you can have have multple sounds under a single patch and not kill the order they are in. (done most of the time for different sounds at different distances). So you have to count the order of the newPatch commands and use that as your guide as to how many you need and which ones will be the sounds you intend to use.

Also make sure your firearm is fully automatic and not a semi-automatic where you have to press the fire key repeatedly since you would be holding the throttle down while driving and you let go to slow down thus triggering the release sound. Normally, a fully auto firearm has it's fire sound with loop command so it replays as the weapon continues to fire, but for your vehicle, you only want to hear the sound once per button press, so removing the loop command should fix that.

Re: Rally Sport challenge.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:57 pm
by fo0k
Yes, have got bloom fired up.. and 32x AA and forced Aniostropic 16x also heheh.. whatever I can get to add a few % extra to the visual :)

Well the sound is currently just triggering on 'release'.. so it is looped/ basically i have got my mouse button down all the time and then when i release it you get the sound. whilst mouse button is down it is firing a silent non existant projectile on loop with instant autoreload.

I can appreciate the order of the SSC being important although the ening sounds are from a different SSC than the weapon sounds so I'm not sure how this would affect things?

Can a key/button be used for simultanious multiple actions ?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:22 pm
by freddy
fo0k wrote: Can a key/button be used for simultanious multiple actions ?
i had two different engines on the w button once, i ran into some problems with it.. the idea was to have an extra engine as a nitroboost on start and then when it ran out of gas it should only be the "original" engine left running.

what happend was that the ordinary engine lost like 50% of its power, i tried some ideas to fix it but gave up after a while. but maybe its not the same when adding a gun or you can find a way around the problem.