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Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:33 pm
by Jeronimo
Oh, cool... Can you play in your VM and on your host at the same time? :shock:

Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:42 am
by fo0k
I would guess so. Although I have tried to record footage with fraps when running 2 windowed bf's and framerates suffer on the recording client whilst playing in the active one. Being emulated i'd expect the same issue. But running bf on highest settings in the VB was giving me around 50fps so perfect really from a modding/testing point of view. I'm gonna post a vid of it all in action.

Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:59 am
by Coroner47
I just installed VirtualBox. Didn't know this program existed. It looks very similar to VMWARE Player. Installing xp pro & bf right now. This will be awesome if this works for me!

Well... bf & all the mods installed fine... but i get a ctd when loading game. I think this is the problem "Error: RendPCDX8: no depthbuffer supported by the videocard" ... from the debugger.

Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:46 am
by fo0k
you have guest additions installed? And enable 3d acceleration.. ?
You have to boot xp into safe mode when installing guest additions as some drivers etc fail to copy otherwise. I had the same error.

Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:05 pm
by fo0k
Here is a vid of Virtual Box in action.

Some notes:

Camtasia is less clever than fraps so I struggled to record the 'what you hear' system sounds.. so there are none but take my word for it that all sound works fine.

Also note that camtasia (and probably others) struggle to maintain a decent recording framerate of the game windows but you can see I have fraps running on both clients to show the true framerates which are excellent, especially when you consider that 2 bf clients are running AND camtasia is recording the entire screen at 1920x1080! Without recording it is flawlessly smooth for me.

This is great for recording footage in fraps (as I said, this did not work well with 2 clients running just in Win7) and also for testing net code! :)
All this in addition to the overall stability of running BF. ED42 etc in XP!

(Watch full screen in 1080p HD.. well if you can.)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:42 pm
by freddy
fo0k wrote:YES!!!!!!The guest additions which support the hardware acceleration just have to be installed in safe mode.
i didnĀ“t know this, i have installed them many times in "normal" mode and there never been any comments about it not working, however i never got the 3D to work either so this may explain why :)

i thought it was the lack of that cpu special support thing that was the problem.

Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:46 am
by fo0k
Yeah it's crazy they don't make this more clear. Once you are in you need to disable mouse integration for games etc and ed42. This is not a downside for the record. It's very fast to enable/disable.
Boots like lightning too. Fastest xp I ever had :)

Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:25 am
by Coroner47
Holy shit! It actually works! :shock: 10 loads of my bf mod under virtualbox... no crashes. although bf totally chocked & froze when running a 64player game w/ bots, but i can still test my mod without it crashing 60% of the time.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:10 pm
by freddy
fo0k wrote:system - Win 7 64bit

The otherday I joined a DC server for the first time in a while. I was running in windowed mode and for the first time ever the little bubble came up in the notification area to say 'certain features and not compatible' and 'changing to 'basic theme'... This only happens when I join a server and not if just run game locally. Weird.
i just installed win7 32bit and i got the same phenomena to. i think i can see a difference on some effects ingame but need to check it out more to be certain.

i can run the game fullscreen but then Alt+Tab dont dont work as i cant return to game if i do it. running in windowed mode kinda semi-works but its fekking hard to get the window where i want it when changing resolution and stuff.

Re: problems with drivers, direct x or something..

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:16 am
by Apache Thunder
This is why I never really upgraded from XP To the newer OSes. I currently have Windows XP 64-bit Edition and that's working very well for me. (only issue was that I had to ditch my webcam as it didn't have 64 bit drivers. :( )

Why use Win7 when you can use WinXP 64-bit? Unless you intend to play a game that uses DirectX 10 or newer, then I see no reason to upgrade. Perhaps run Vista/Win7 in a virtual machine inside WinXP 64-bit instead of the other way around? It may be more efficient if you don't use Win7 specific features very often.