[SSM] Repacking modded Midway

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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Mshraks »

Yes seriously indeed.
Could have been there for 30 year but i just started modding 3 days ago so give me a break ok.
I`ve read that whole tutorial but if i understood it i wouldnt have asked it in here dont you think so....
Im modding the map BF 1942 Midway map only so i do not recognize all the used vehicle names at all and still after reading i thought it was/is all about normal spawn points not the one you see and can select on the spawnpoint map before the map starts.
So for me ( a 3 days old modeller ) its all algebra.
Still think im doing pretty good so far.
Point so far is that it seems according to that tutorial, you cant add this kind of spawn points with ED42 only by straight altering the code in the con files.
Sorry i pissed you off ;)
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Senshi »

If you worked through those tutorials and still have issues, you should have said so. Just saying nothing about your prior experience and work and requesting a "tell me everything" simply is not very effective. I am pissed off a bit, but you just have to try and see it from my view (which I daresay coincides with various other experienced modders): Having to answer the very same basic questions over and over again, even if they have been covered in tutorials and multiple other threads is exhausting. It also makes us feel that you as the noob are not really willing to invest time and even the most basic effort (aka googling/searching for 15 minutes) to get a solution. Modding consists of a LOT of trial&error, that's how every single one of us experienced modders learned. Sometimes I spent DAYS just to fix a teeny tiny issue that bugged me but I simply couldn't figure out the cause.
A post like yours sound "lazy", so we are not really encouraged to give elaborate answer. To make it more simple: If your post reads like you spent 5min working on the issue and 1 min writing the post, don't expect us to invest any more time.

When formulating a help request, you should always try and think of what could be helpful for others in order to be able to help you. This usually means:

- Explain what you were trying to achieve and what changes you specifically have done. Using

Code: Select all

 blocks makes it easy to show your changes. But please don't just copy entire huge .con files, just the things you actually changed...nobody wants to have to read through hundreds of lines of code, trying to figure out where you actually changed something.
- Formulate EXACTLY what is going wrong. Not just "Battlefield just crashes" or "Battlecraft isn't working". Use "Battlefield crashes at 14% of map load with the following message: blabla...". See my signature links to figure out how to get BF42 to give you helpful error messages. "I cant get it to work i only mess up my con files all the time" does give us no intel whatsoever except that you changed something in a con file...
- Explain what you already have tried to solve the issue. Also write if the crash message or occurrence changed with one of your fiddlings. even if just means that it crashed at 20% instead of 14%, it all are important hints.

If you make a careful help request, you show us that you really are interested in solving the issue. You also show us that you already invested some effort and perhaps even tried various "common fixes" you found for the same/similar issues, getting experienced guys interested in solving this riddle. That's all we do here, really. We love solving riddles. But we hate having to solve the same "super easy" riddles that we have done dozens of times already.
Being precise also helps you to get a quicker and better answer, because we don't have to ask millions of counter-questions and make proposals that either don't even apply  or you already tried. There's no way to answer vague questions easily, which also makes it more exhausting for those trying to help you.

This rant is absolutely not directed at you alone, I just felt the need to explain where my earlier "harsh" words originated from.

On topic: I sadly cannot help you that much with SSM either, I'm a pure CSM/MSM guy. Still, I can only propose again to look at my sig and try to debug the error on your own or rather return here with the error message(s) you get via debugging. Those help immensely in finding the root of your problem.

Also: Most SSM (and CSM just as well) moddings will have to be done in the .cons directly, better get used to that. There's almost nothing that exclusively can be done in Ed42 or BC42.
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Swaffy »

Right on. I didn't have a clue about the troubles you guys deal with until I began dealing with the same thing.

To whoever had the issue, refer to this thread.

It's in the damn tutorial section, for f00k's sake.
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Mshraks »

Ok i will try to explain a bit better what im trying to do.
First of all i read all ( yes all ) the tutorials in cluding the one about adding spawnpoints:
http://bfmods.com/tutorialca18.php?page ... icles.html
http://bfmods.com/mdt/scripting/ObjectT ... oLive.html
http://bfmods.com/tutorial2e8b.php?page ... f1942.html
http://bfmods.com/tutorial7c59.php?page ... oints.html


So i did my searching well and with some help from this forum i finished my modded Midway map succesfully and tested it and its working.

Only thing im stuck with is the 2 extra Soldier spawn/entry points, 1 for each team.
These 2 extra spawn/entry point must become paratrooper spawn/entry points just like the Allied Paratrooper soldier spawn point in the Operation Market Garden map, both in this case 1 for each team.
Picture below:

So let me try to explain what i did first before i went back in here to ask for help.
First i`ve read the tutorial:
http://bfmods.com/tutorial7c59.php?page ... oints.html

Because the tutorial is using the 3 spawnpoints of the carrier i tried the same thing but in my case with the Allied submarine Soldier Spawn/entry point.
On the next screen/picture you see not only the original Spawn/entry points ( the 9 white dots ) but also the yellow and red cross.

Yellow for Allied en Red for Axis side.
Where the yellow and red crosses are, these are the places or coords where i want to add the 2 extra Soldier Spawn/entry points used as a partroop drop/spawn points. ( dont ask me why its above the water thats not important right now).
So i went into ED42 editor and moved the Allied sub to the coords of the yellow cross.
See next picture:

That worked but as you all understand its a bit stupid to move that sub 300 meters or more above the water and use it as a Spawn point that way, beside the fact i need that sub including the spawn point on it on his original place.
I went into the Object.con files searched for the Allied submarine ( in this case the Gato ) and tried to fined the code for the so hard needed Soldiers spawn/entry point to dublicate it.
I found these parts that seems to be the Soldiers Spawn/entry point but without attached/hooked to the submarine:

Code: Select all

rem *** GatoDriverSoldierSpawn ***
ObjectTemplate.create SpawnPoint GatoDriverSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnRotation 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnPositionOffset 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnPreventionDelay 0
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnId 0
ObjectTemplate.setGroup 79
rem ObjectTemplate.setEnterOnSpawn 1
ObjectTemplate.setAIEnterOnSpawn 1
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnAsParaTroper 0

rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.create Bundle GatoComplex
ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo GatoBodyInfo
ObjectTemplate.geometry Gato_Hull_m1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasResponsePhysics 1

rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate GatoDriverSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/2.75/8.8

So i thought it was easy to copy/paste and add it to the correct con files in hope i would have my new extra Soldiers Spawn/entry point on the map.
That should have become a new Spawn group for 8 soldiers spawn points. ( 1 white circle with 8 possible facings each )
Shown on the 2th picture but without the submarine and like the one in Operation Market Garden.

But it is not that simple as i hoped because its not working.
Again and believe me, i spent many hours and multiple days to get my Midway map modded correct but this is the only part im stuck on and i cant find out what im doing wrong.
I tried and tested over and over again before i came back in here to ask for advice again.
So if anybody knows what im doing wrong or can see what i missed i really like to here.
Seriously, i didnt spent "just 5min" working on the issue and 1 min writing the post.
Far from that tbh.

I hope i explained my only and last problem a little better and hope you folks understand what im trying to say and do.
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Mshraks »

Fixed the problem/issue myself already. ;)

This is what i did:


Code: Select all

rem ****       PARASHUTE_SPWAWNPOINT       *****
rem ****************************************
Object.create parashutspawnpoint_1
Object.absolutePosition 2417.26/221.156/1940.11
Object.rotation 137.808/0/1.52588e-005
Made a parashutspawnpoint_1 t/m 12


Code: Select all

ObjectTemplate.create SpawnPoint parashutspawnpoint_1
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnId 20
ObjectTemplate.setGroup 7
Made above 1 t/m 12 also


Code: Select all

rem ****       PARASHUTE_SPAWNGROUP_AXIS       *****
rem ****************************************
spawnPointManager.group 6
spawnPointManager.groupTeam 1
spawnPointManager.groupIcon test1.tga
rem spawnPointManager.groupStatus 0
rem ****       PARASHUTE_SPAWNGROUP_ALLIED       *****
rem ****************************************
spawnPointManager.group 7
spawnPointManager.groupTeam 2
spawnPointManager.groupIcon test1.tga
rem spawnPointManager.groupStatus 0
So i got my 2 new spawngroups ( the white circles to select for spawning soldiers ) with both 6 spawnpoints.

Smalest and most shortest "how to add SpawnPoints" ever.
With all respect this tutorial : http://bfmods.com/tutorial7c59.php?page ... oints.html sucks to the bone is from my point of view a ridiculous and far to complex way to add spawn point for SSM.
Using my above posted methode is far superior and much faster.

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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Senshi »

Glad you found a solution! If the tutorial there sucks ( I agree, it looks very cluttered), feel free to create a new one here in the new forum in the tutorial section :) .
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by freddy »

Mshraks wrote: With all respect this tutorial : http://bfmods.com/tutorial7c59.php?page ... oints.html sucks to the bone is from my point of view a ridiculous and far to complex way to add spawn point for SSM.
Using my above posted methode is far superior and much faster.
Senshi wrote:Glad you found a solution! If the tutorial there sucks ( I agree, it looks very cluttered), feel free to create a new one here in the new forum in the tutorial section :) .
I would pause that recommendation a bit until he got the chance to discover that it won´t work to make up new spawns like that in SSM modding
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Swaffy »

I was wondering about that the whole time, but wasn't sure if it was true.
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Mshraks »

Wondering if you guys are talking about my posted methode to add new Spawn groups or the methode used in the tutorial.
Because my methode is working fine.
Like i sayed before, i all tested it out on a local server enviroment .

http://bfmods.com/tutorialea02.php?page ... oment.html

Joint both teams to see if everything is working fine and it did.
Got 1 new SoldierSpawnpoint/group added on both side and i can also use them.
Both are paratrooper spwanpoints.
Before the map starts i select the new spawnpoint,game starts and right away i drop down from 350 meters above the ground into the sea next to a rubber boat etc etc.
Also after capturing a flag all new added stuff is showing up perfectly, on both sides.
Did it all with BC and ED42 ;)

If its working on a local server enviroment its also working online ( internet ).
If not that tutorial should be deleted :D

My only problem is now that i cant join my own setup server when it setup for online ( internet ) gaming.
I can join but after loading game i get disconnected right away but that is another problem i have to solve.
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Re: [SSM] Repacking modded Midway

Post by Swaffy »

It works locally, but servers are a lot different. That's why we have SSMs (server-side mods) and CSMs (client-side mods). I think what Freddy meant is that your code is more of a CSM when you might need a SSM because you're running a server.
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