Mod Help no vehicles and custom campaign

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Mod Help no vehicles and custom campaign

Post by Porsche917LH »

I'm reposting this because I think this is the more appropriate forum:


I'm currently trying to create a Spanish American mod for Battlefield 1942 using characters, weapons, and classes from the Battlefield 1918 mod. I have several challenges
1. While I'm good with computers I have no experience with these file types. (Done some file modding in FSX, IL2 and a little of more serious stuff b I'm running Windows 7 with the "complete collection" of Battlefield. I installed the 1.6 progressive and 1.6b updates or something to that effect and still get error messages in multiplayer. However this is not really my main issue.

2. In school we are currently covering the Spanish American war. I decided to take an alternate approach and make a 1st person shooter. This morning I went out and bought the 1942 game. The Mod Devlopement toolkit wizard gives me an error message when I create a file and I tried updating to v 2.75 but it still insists that the folder is invalid or something to that effect... So unless you guys can possibly help fix this I may have to outsource this part. These are the factions I will be using from the 1918 mod.
-The U.S. Doughboys
-The turks

1. I would like to include the following:
A prologue (playable though) scene of U.S. sailor with the officer loadout onboard a generic destroyer/battleship (similar to the U.S. Maine) anchored off somewhere perhaps in the dark suddenly sinking or behaving erratically. The character despite his best efforts to swim away will be killed in the ensuing explosion.

2. A battle based on the Battlefield 1918 map "Suez Canal"
3. A battle on the Guadacanal map to represent the battles in the philliphines (I understand that guadacanal is in the solomons)
4. Perhaps a battle on Tobruk or Wake.
5. Some map that will have similar terrain to San Juan Hill (I recall there being one in the 1918 mod I believe Ypres 1914)

2. I would like to import my introduction video into the game menu.
3. I would like to import various footage of battles into the background of game menu
4. A custom loading screen background with quotes and information about the battle

Critically I need to merge this into a single seamless campaign and game mode and *most importantly* find out how to remove the vehicles. :?:

I appreciate any assistance you can offer and for your time in reading this. -Thanks,

I have the following installed
-Fraps (free)
-RAD tools
-RFA explorer

RFA explorer is not letting me view the RFA files or edit them... :evil:
Bink and Smacker bink tool thingy lock up partway through conversion of .avi files to .bik
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:11 am

Re: Mod Help no vehicles and custom campaign

Post by Porsche917LH »

This is what happens when I use the mod creator. (yes I reinstalled it) ... odtest.png
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