Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
- Apache Thunder
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
How does the third person view thing work? Are the bullets still shooting from the soldier or do they originate from the new camera position? If it's usable enough I may add it to my BFH'42 mod at some point. 

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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
Hi Apache!
To answer your question the bullets originate from the soldier, it’s just the position of the soldier relative to the center of your screen (the crosshair) that changes in third person view.
The third-person view is pretty cool to use, however it requires a script with constant user input to work, because the third-person view always gets reset to the default value (0) after the player dies.
The command of interest to activate the third-person crosshair is:
game.debugShowFullSoldier 1
This will give you a very basic third person crosshair that is so close to the soldiers helmet that you basically cannot see in front of you while using the view. To reposition the third person camera, you must activate the soldier you want the camera for and use these commands:
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierStanding 0/0.65/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierCrouching 0/0.12/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierLying 0/-0.7/0
These commands set the camera position in third person depending on the pose of the soldier (standing, crouching or lying). Since my mod doesn’t use prone only the first two lines are used. This is where you really have to play around with the values to get the exact camera position you want; personally I prefer a view that shows the full body of the soldier.
So basically, if you put all this code in a CON or TXT file, you would have:
ObjectTemplate.Active USSoldier
game.debugShowFullSoldier 1
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierStanding 0/0.65/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierCrouching 0/0.12/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierLying 0/-0.7/0
This only enables the third person camera view, but remember that it is removed once the player dies. To counter that problem I have made a client script that is tied to a key that the player can press at will to switch from first to third person.
The only drawback is that if a player wants to play in third person during the whole match they would have to constantly press the third person key to activate it. If this can be circumvented and the view always enabled, that would be great.
I’ll post the rest of the code later today.
To answer your question the bullets originate from the soldier, it’s just the position of the soldier relative to the center of your screen (the crosshair) that changes in third person view.
The third-person view is pretty cool to use, however it requires a script with constant user input to work, because the third-person view always gets reset to the default value (0) after the player dies.
The command of interest to activate the third-person crosshair is:
game.debugShowFullSoldier 1
This will give you a very basic third person crosshair that is so close to the soldiers helmet that you basically cannot see in front of you while using the view. To reposition the third person camera, you must activate the soldier you want the camera for and use these commands:
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierStanding 0/0.65/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierCrouching 0/0.12/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierLying 0/-0.7/0
These commands set the camera position in third person depending on the pose of the soldier (standing, crouching or lying). Since my mod doesn’t use prone only the first two lines are used. This is where you really have to play around with the values to get the exact camera position you want; personally I prefer a view that shows the full body of the soldier.
So basically, if you put all this code in a CON or TXT file, you would have:
ObjectTemplate.Active USSoldier
game.debugShowFullSoldier 1
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierStanding 0/0.65/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierCrouching 0/0.12/0
ObjectTemplate.SetPoseCameraPos c_BfSoldierLying 0/-0.7/0
This only enables the third person camera view, but remember that it is removed once the player dies. To counter that problem I have made a client script that is tied to a key that the player can press at will to switch from first to third person.
The only drawback is that if a player wants to play in third person during the whole match they would have to constantly press the third person key to activate it. If this can be circumvented and the view always enabled, that would be great.
I’ll post the rest of the code later today.
See my Strasbourg map project here.
- Apache Thunder
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
Hmm interesting. have you tried applying the third person code directly to the soldier objects instead of using active command? Active command is typically used for server side mods and stuff and that's probably why it's resetting everytime a player dies.
Unless those Camera Pose commands impact first person view so that would be the reason you have to use active command? Well in my case that wouldn't be a problem with my BFH'42 mod. I could just make Third Person view the only available camera view for soldiers in that case....
Unless those Camera Pose commands impact first person view so that would be the reason you have to use active command? Well in my case that wouldn't be a problem with my BFH'42 mod. I could just make Third Person view the only available camera view for soldiers in that case....

I have cameras in your head!
- Apache Thunder
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
Ok got around to testing it myself. It seems it's not the active command that's the real issue here. It's the debug command you found. That's the one that doesn't stick. The pose positions do stick even with active command and even after soldier dies and respawns. But the game command seems to be the one that's temperary. What you could do is tie the script to the camera change key? That would be stop gab measure to use. Someone could try patching the EXE to always default with that command set to true instead of false for each new soldier spawn.
Oh also the projectiles do appear to originate from camera crosshair and not soldier. I noticed this when firing large projectiles like RPG and the Keg in my BFH'42 mod.
Oh and for the C key binding to work you'd probably have to disable all camera switch modes for the soldier camera object. The command doesn't work if you used it while already in a third person view or one of the other views. Seems to be specific to first person view.
Oh also the projectiles do appear to originate from camera crosshair and not soldier. I noticed this when firing large projectiles like RPG and the Keg in my BFH'42 mod.

Oh and for the C key binding to work you'd probably have to disable all camera switch modes for the soldier camera object. The command doesn't work if you used it while already in a third person view or one of the other views. Seems to be specific to first person view.

I have cameras in your head!
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
I like your idea about soldier camera views. One could add the code for the third person camera view the game uses for soldiers (Chase camera), but there would still be the problem of the disappearing crosshair at spawn. That is why I designed a client side script that allows the player to reactivate the third person crosshair with the push of a button.
EXE hack seems interesting, not sure how to go about it though.
About the projectile thing, are you sure? Because the soldier will point his gun towards the center of his screen when firing in third person from my point of view. Will have to test with the Bazooka.
EXE hack seems interesting, not sure how to go about it though.
About the projectile thing, are you sure? Because the soldier will point his gun towards the center of his screen when firing in third person from my point of view. Will have to test with the Bazooka.
See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
And please guys if anyone wants to use this 3rd person soldier camera view in their mods, please ask me first. Even though the code wasn’t invented by me obviously (it’s DICE’s) it would be nice if this view could stay unique to my mod. The exception goes to anyone that has helped me in my mod projects or anyone I
have collaborated with to make mods or maps (reegad, Apache, takiwa). Thanks.

See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
Hey guys, I am trying to publish the next version of the mod, v0.62, sometime during this summer. So far, only me, reegad and Jim2102 have been putting work on the mod.
I would really appreciate if someone could help us out with this project. It mostly involves mapping, texturing, modeling and a lot of scripting. If you would like to contribute, please let me know.
I would really appreciate if someone could help us out with this project. It mostly involves mapping, texturing, modeling and a lot of scripting. If you would like to contribute, please let me know.
See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches

Press a Numpad key to display your health status to other players as a percentage (0 to 100).
See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches

Time has come to host another of these ridiculous events again. This time I am making the event more open and less competitive than previous events.
This is a fun event that anyone can join. It will be hosted on my Raised Fist mod. Here is a brief summary of the event:
- Room for up to 20 players. Registration is done on a first come, first served basis.
- Two 20 minute rounds per map
- Four maps in total will be played: rf_labyrinth, rf_arabian_nights, rf_cut and rf_pitch_black
- The game mode of the event will be TDM. The player with the most frags at the end of the event wins it. Friendly-Fire will be on at 100%.
- No eliminations from one map to the other. Even if you scored the least amount of frags, you move on to the next map.
- In the event of a draw in the last round, a knife round will be held between the players with the same amount of frags to determine the winner
- One player will be a designated event recorder (possibly me, but anyone can do it)
- No hacking/glitching/bugging is allowed. Content-check will be on.
The event will be held on the {SoH} Soldiers of Honor server. The IP:Port combination to join the server, in case you can't see it in the server list, is Send me a private message to receive the server password.
The event will be held on Sunday, June 30th, 2019 @ 16:00 CET (10:00 AM EST GMT -5 for Americans/Canadians). The event will last for 160 minutes (2 hours 40 minutes).
To be able to join this event, you will need to download the Tournament Edition of my Raised Fist mod. It is currently under revision to correct a few bugs. Once the mod has been updated, a download link will be added to this post.
You will also need to register on this thread to confirm your spot on the event. You can also reach me via Discord or PM on the SiMPLE forums to do so. Remember that spots are awarded on a first come, first served basis.
Registration form
a) Your nickname
b) Country of origin
c) Is the date of the event good for you (Yes/No)
d) Do you want to volunteer yourself to record the event (Yes/No)
1) {SoH} Raketenhorst
2) {SoH} Black Mamba
Spots left: 18
Will be posted later.
See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: Raised Fist v0.6 Full + 0.61 Patches
Download files for Raised Fist Tournament Edition are now up:
rfte v0.61 Installer (EXE)
rfte v0.61 (ZIP file)
12 spots left.
rfte v0.61 Installer (EXE)
rfte v0.61 (ZIP file)
12 spots left.
See my Strasbourg map project here.