For some reasons it was added to EoD in 2005 or 2006 and I was always annoyed about it (the map) when playing it. Somehow the setup was messed up like hell. Single player didn't really work and the look was awfull.
Since it (the new version) will be part of the next EoD release, i won't post much pics, just 3 to get a clue of what i did, and a lil comic i made of it.
Heres the changelog:
Control points and object spawns:
-changed fixed bases to control points
-added base "The_Alamo"
-moved treehut 2 to the left and renamed it to "Abandoned US outpost"
-renamed "Bunker" to "French Bunker"
-renamed "VC Base" to "VC Hideout"
-renamed "Australian Landing Zone" to "LZ_Alpha"
-Control point "French Bunker" is owned by AUS at startup for better balancing.
-Added 1 more APC each team
-Added several pickup kits (Anti Tank, Engineer & Blooper Medic in contol point buildings, some snipers in non contolpoint treehuts)
Static Objects:
-removed floating trees
-removed floating grass
-Adjusted light settings
-generated new lightmaps
-Added new sky
-changed watercolor settings
-new groundtextures
-added rain
-added fog
-Added new infantry pathmap
-Adjusted strategic areas
-Added new ingamemap
-added new loadingscreen pic (loader)
Fixing all the stuff took ages...I been working like a week on that piece of crap and theres still a small amount of things I would change, but I'm sick of seeing that map.
The hardest part was the singleplayer. Theres too many narrow paths, that bot's dont like. Also the ballancing was'nt easy to get done. I was moving Control points and spawn points for 2 days until i decided to change the complete setup of the flags.
I wonder if recreating it with only using the heightmap would have taken less time than the way I did it now. Well finally I'm pleased with the result.
Here's 2 screenshots of the same area:
How it was:

How it is:

As you can see, it's a whole new look. The atmosphere is pretty neat and the map is hard to win. I played 50 rounds or so and never made it to capture all flags, just won most games by getting the opponents tickets to zero.
The new loader:

Here's some more impressions:
350k warning ... lcomic.jpg
Don't miss the next patch release of EoD in a few days to play it. It's fun!
Blooper time!