ToggleMouseLook Property

   ObjectTemplate.ToggleMouseLook boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    0, 1; most commonly 1

Description: This property enables the Mouselook override for the Camera. 0 means normal camera movement, 1 means the mouseLook key must be pressed before the camera can be rotated. For example, in a plane you can hold down the left shift key and move the mouse to look around.

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Camera (16%)

Used in a total of 33 .con files: Objects.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Air/Yak9/Objects.con)
   rem *** Yak9Camera ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Camera Yak9Camera
   ObjectTemplate.SetMinRotation -70/-40/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxRotation 70/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxSpeed 90/90/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetAcceleration 5000/-5000/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetInputToYaw c_PIMouseLookX
   ObjectTemplate.SetInputToPitch c_PIMouseLookY
   ObjectTemplate.ToggleMouseLook 1
   ObjectTemplate.OutsideHudOffset 0.4/-0.4/3.7

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