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BF3 Debut Gameplay - and Frame Screenshots

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:25 pm
by fo0k
Some in game footage... but only a little :)

Some of the best/clearest frames from each clip:

*note.. image may crop on smaller screens so just 'right click view image' to see the whole thing until I find a mod to fix this.











Yeah.. the last is crap in every way.

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:18 pm
by motoko
Battlefield 3: Call of duty.

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:27 pm
by fo0k

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:07 am
by Coroner47
Oh great! It looks like call of duty... which i owned for 4days before i traded it in... cause it was shite!

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay - Screenshots

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:46 am
by fo0k
I wish they would scrap the story and instead focus on the multiplay :/

all the cinematic and Ai etc etc has gotta be half (well, a LOT of) the development time :(

I have added a few of the 'clearest' frames from the video in the first post and in this seperate vid:

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay - and Frame Screenshots

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:50 am
by Coroner47
Ya! I'm really getting sick of these assisted fps's... where your lead along like a dog on a leash. From this video, BF3 appears to be another one of these games. I understand gamers want better grafx & stuff... but some of us like the incredible freedom & options available in fps's like bf42. fps's seem to be going back to the whole doom stile levels... no more wide open area free to roam around. Of course, i could be totally wrong about bf3..... it just looks like an assisted fps like call of duty black ops in this vid.

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay - and Frame Screenshots

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:20 am
by Iced Earth
What do you mean by assisted? Single Player? Yeah I don't play that

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay - and Frame Screenshots

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:55 am
by Coroner47
well what i mean by assisted... my terminology... is a game like call of duty black ops. and ya single player. where there is 1 way & only one way through the game. u are required to climb ladders, pickup weapons & mount vehicles, otherwise the game will not progress. for instance you can't shoot down a helo with a machine gun... you are required to pickup a surface-to-air launcher. you have to climb ladders, which it then startes an animated sequence which you have no control over... you can't just jump off the ladder or find another route. your allied ai helps you out so much... all you have to do is feed them targets cause they have "god mode" & "unlimited ammo". i find more & more fps's are going this way. maybe i should refer to these games as "scripted fps". run down this tunnel, kill this guy, turn corner, open door.... its like being led through a scripted story & you get to press a few buttons here & there.... kinda like "Dragon's Lair"... booooring!!! why can't more fps be like my favorite game series "Hitman"... i can "walk" all the way through a level with only killing my intended target.... or i can kill every living soul.... there's a gazillion ways to beat a level... just like bf1942. i guessing this game is going to end up like the "bad company" series.... all scripted & shit!!!!

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay - and Frame Screenshots

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:27 am
by Jeronimo
Your description reminds me of this here :D :

Re: BF3 Debut Gameplay - and Frame Screenshots

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:04 pm
by Coroner47
Yup... that's pretty much what i'm talking about. I'm so sick of cutscenes...... booooring!