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Remove Out of Bounds

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:17 pm
by =ArA=DeathFromAbove
I know we had the tutorials taken out of the forums, so can someone add that tutorial back here?

I have tried to remove the out of bounds in Ia Drang map for BFV and basically did the following:

1 made a copy of the server map
2. used BCV and where ever there was the yellow out of bounds texture, I replaced it with what ever I wanted ie. rock, water etc.
3. generated the surface map
4. saved the map
5. extracted the materialmap.raw file
6. included the materialmap.raw file in my server patch
7. then replaced the adjusted Ia Drang map on my pc with the copy I initially made
8. run game and get corrupt data.


Ok my bad this actually worked. Can the minimap be changed?


Ah, minimap rendered client side.

Re: Remove Out of Bounds

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:51 pm
by Senshi
There's a very basic rule to see what can be done SSM and what can be done CSM:

Everything that's visually different: Only CSM. Visual differences (new textures, minimap, new staticobjects etc.) will not be visible. In some cases, they work buggy, but never "good" (E.g. static objects only have their COL-Mesh, so they are invisible objects...)
Creating new objects SSM? Not possible. Basically you just can't use the ".create" command. You only can ".active" parts of code and alter them.