New BBCode for you to play with!

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New BBCode for you to play with!

Post by Apache Thunder »

Attention all BFMod users. I've added some new BBCode to add a couple neat features that many should find useful. The youtube BBCode has been around for awhile now and not much else was done since.

But there are a few useful BBCodes I found that should work here and be relevant to the content users typically post here. So don't expect anything oddball like Facebook bbcode, twitter bbcode, or odd ball crap like that. If anything fancy like that does come, it will come at the hands of Fo0k, so "special" requests for more fancy BBCode should be directed at him.

First up, I've added the long missing "align" BBCode so that now you can align text to the left, center, or right using the BBCode for align.


Code: Select all

[align=center]Centered Text[/align]
The result:
Centered Text
To align it other ways, use "left" or "right" in place of "center". You don't have to use the BBCode at all to align text to the left since that's the default behavior of the forum. :P

Next up is the simple highlighting BBcode to highlight text. This time I have enabled all the BBCode I've added including the align BBcode to show up as buttons along side the youtube button above the text box while posting a reply/topic.

Text Highlight BBCode:

Code: Select all

[highlight=red]this text is highlighted[/highlight]

The result:

This text is highlighted

You can use any color you want. If you want a color that doesn't have a "name" to it. You should be able to use HTML color hex that is standard everywhere. For example, any color you can use with the "color" bbcode, you can use on this bbcode as well.

The next one I got added is the "Warning" BBcode:

Code: Select all

[warning]This is warning message[/warning]
The result:

This is warning message
The next one is the Goto BBCode. This requires using two BBCodes in tandem to get the desired result. The "section2" is just an example identifier I used. It can be anything you want as long as it's unique and is the same one used in both BBcodes to get a matching pair.

This should also allow you to use more then one pair of these BBCodes to provide a navigation page of sorts to certain areas of your post. Useful for long tutorial posts. So each section can have it's own unique identifier so that when the user clicks the first link the page scrolls to the correct area of your post as you intended.

Please note that the identifier code is case sensitive, so be sure they both match exactly or it won't work.

Code: Select all

[go_to=Section2] Link to a section further down in post. [/go_to]

[go_to_content=section2]Your destination Text[/go_to_content]

Link to a section further down in post.

(Pretend there's lots of crap here. :P )

Your destination Text
(the destination text can be the title of your section for example)

This one is the simple "strikethrough" BBcode that enables to you strike through text. Another one of those forum essentials that I forgot about. But Swaffy brought that one to my attention. :D

Code: Select all

[s]Your Text Here[/s]
The result:

Your Text Here

Here's another. Spoiler BBCode. Can be used to embed large amount of text that can be hidden and then "shown" when the user clicks the + button. Usefull for burying large amounts of info in a post without forcing the user to scroll through it all to get to a specific section.

Code: Select all

[Spoiler=Spoiler Title Text]Hidden Text Goes here[/spoiler]
The result:
Spoiler Title Text
Hidden Text Goes here

If any new BBCode gets added in at a later time, I'll update this thread. ;)
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Re: New BBCode for you to play with!

Post by Swaffy »

Do we have strikethrough?
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Re: New BBCode for you to play with!

Post by Apache Thunder »

I will dig one up for that right now. :D

EDIT: We do now! :D
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Re: New BBCode for you to play with!

Post by Diamondback »

Fantastic signature, Apache.
See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: New BBCode for you to play with!

Post by Apache Thunder »

Thanks. I created it, so of coarse it would be fantastic. :D

By the way, I have enabled BBcode use (excluding flash bbcode) for Personal Messages. It must have been off by default. That has now been fixed. :D
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Re: New BBCode for you to play with!

Post by Swaffy »

Next, we need full XHTML support.
Then, support for the BF1942 engine.
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Re: New BBCode for you to play with!

Post by poompoom500 »


To ApacheThunder,

Nice job. Got me as your fan. Uh, are there any BBCodes for imbedded videos or pix?
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