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Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:42 pm
by Senshi
It sounds great, but the days for huge BF42 projects are past, I'm afraid. Most of the other already existing huge mods (Desert Combat, Forgotten Hope, even Battlegroup) have ceased developement and more importantly have ceased to have a playerbase.

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:00 am
by Senshi
Then I suggest you get a real project lineout and see if people are attracted to that. A generic "Hey, let's do anything!" won't really thrill anyone, I fear. At least it won't instill the required dedication in contributors if they don't even know what they are signing up for.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, it's just what experience told me.

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:00 am
by Swaffy
Sounds cool. But yeah ... there needs to be a theme or some kind of goal. I don't necessarily believe large projects are impossible/dead, but they would most likely take longer.

My strength is in the game's coding, sounds, and maybe images (but not texturing). I'm a slow modder, by my knowledge. I mainly just take something and add stuff to it.

I took the VSS Vintorez from DesertCombat and made this:

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:11 pm
by Apache Thunder
We can always start off with my San Andreas port. That would definitely benefit from having more then one person work on it. :D

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:46 pm
by Apache Thunder
The vast majority of the work I need to do is porting the objects into the SM format that BF1942 uses for it's geometries

If I split this up to multiple people, it would greatly reduce the time I would have to spend on this phase of the project.

I have a way of generating object templates quickly. Perhaps the only real coding I may think about having someoone look at is setting up all the cullRadiusScale values to better optimize how far the objects should be rendered at.

If I can get 2 more people or so on board, I can probably post up a quick tutorial on the conversions process so that they would need to know what needs to be done. (it shouldn't be too complicated at all since I will have handled the import part of that process for you)

I have a batch importer that can import all the GTA objects at once. I can split this up into multiple scenes so each person only has one portion to work on. I would provide all the files needed for each person to work with along with the archive of all the textures used in GTA, so they can visually inspect each object as they work on them. (this means also checking if the object uses alpha in any textures. If one does, just tack on the alphaTestRef 0.45 setting to the RS file in the material(s) that use it. If they run into objects that for some reason break pattern and have some kind of issue like a missing texture or bad normals or something else they encounter that they won't know how to fix, they can just skip that object and create a list of objects they skip. That way I can go in and work on any of the objects the others couldn't fix.

So I think the only part that needs to be done is importing collision meshes and exporting each object making sure that the textures in the RS are fixed and that the collision meshes will have the correct material IDs for use in BF1942. (also mostly vegetation will need to have the twosided property turned on as their leaf meshes are only one sided in many cases)

After that, I can probably handle the rest of it. Though things like vehicle spawns and control points I can also have some of you work on as well. But that's something we can't do until the conversion part of the process is done.

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:57 am
by freddy
Apache Thunder wrote:If I split this up to multiple people, it would greatly reduce the time I would have to spend on this phase of the project.
I would like to help but im a total noob with everything graphic, if you need some extra computer power for like calculations or however this works, i can set up one of my old machines for you to use. Or you could "load" it up and i could take a look at it now and then and press some buttons or something.

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:19 am
by Apache Thunder
Yeah I would believe lightmap generation could take awhile. If it ends up taking longer then a night (or more if I happen to have work early the following morning) to lightmap the map, then I would most certainly take you up on that offer. :D

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:21 pm
by Swaffy
Black Mamba wrote:What is your favorite era to mod Swaffy? WW2, modern combat (DC), Vietnam, pre-20th century warfare, what?

I think just making a map pack would be a nice base mod to submit to the community.
It doesn't matter much to me. Apache Thunder's GTA mod sounds like a good idea.

Maybe make a few levels with bot support.

Re: Let's unite our talents

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:40 pm
by Shrooms
I can picture a gta mod it sounds great. A weapons shop, The only way I see how cops would chase is through bot support. I'd like an open feel to it kinda like the project reality mod for bf2 they did a really nice job on that mod. Could have a large map scale where there is a main road that goes from one city to another. Map design is so important.