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Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:15 pm
by Sniperjack
Hi, I am the leader of Siege: Medieval Warfare, which is a continuation of the old Siege .32 mod made back in 2004 by some other people. Visit the website if you want more information. I mostly do modeling and skinning, but have a very limited knowledge of coding, animating, and such. So I have a few questions.

First, I have noticed that there are hard edge seams along the cuts of the UV map which are only visible ingame and not in any modeling program. I am pretty sure no other game that I have played does this. Is there any way to get rid of it? Or at least a method to make it not so obvious? It is especially annoying on organic meshes (such as the pig below). I haven't ever noticed it in Vanilla Bf so I thought maybe there is a way of getting rid of it.

Here is an example of what I mean. Look at where the limbs attach to the torso and around the face.

Next issue is horse(as a vehicle) animating. As you might have seen, all other mods that have horses in them(Civil War mod, Western Wars, FH:SW, etc.)have really ugly animations which just use rotation bundles. Currently the Siege mod horse doesn't have any animation at all for movement. The legs are badly covered up with a heraldic "sheet" of sorts. This isn't really a sufficient look. After looking at Apache's banana and Mario, it appears that a realistic animation is very plausible. How complicated do you imagine it would be to animate each joint on a horse's leg?
If true animating doesn't work properly, I have another idea in mind, although it is a little complicated and might not work either.

I would like to have a new player model put ingame for each team. I know this is indeed possible, and our team's coder/animator might learn how to rig one some time when he is not busy. Realistically, soldiers of the Hundred Years wars had skirts that went over the upper part of their legs. Would this cause problems for animating the legs? Here is a picture of what I am talking about.
Also, is it possible to have more than one player model per team? I believe in Forgotten Hope there is a code that randomly chooses one of two or three when you spawn to add more variety. Could you choose your player model by the kit you spawn as?

Next, can you attach projectile "bullet holes" to player models and vehicles? The bullets holes in this case are arrows, throwing knives, and a fire effect + an arrow. Basically, if an arrow hits a player or a wooden vehicle I would like for it to stay in them. And when firing a incendiary projectile at a wooden vehicle, such as a catapult or battering ram, could the fire stick and deal damage gradually to the vehicle even if it moves?

That is all I can think of right now, but I am sure there is more I have forgotten.

Our team currently consists of only three often inactive people, so any help would be greatly appreciated. :P


Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:12 pm
by fo0k
Thats a lot of questions..

On the pigs.. use the weld tool in 3dmax to weld the verts together along those seams.. that should tidy/smooth them out.

Horses.. Im not the one to answer this.

Skirts.. maybe grab a copy of Battlefield Heroes.. They wear kilts.. so you may be able to 'borrow' an animation.. not sure how hard it is to migrate BF2 animations to BF42 though.. should be similar I would expect

Im sure you can have different player models.. but again , never done this.

Arrows in players..? Sounds very cool!.. but no idea.

Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:55 am
For the solider models,you need to build one then do a skin modifier around the ussolider .ske

for the arrows sticking into a solider,try making a box in max and give it collision,them place it inside the us solider body,that way when the arrow hits the box,it does the effect as if it was hitting a object and would stick out of the body

for the horse animations,you'll have to open the horse .ske and animate it

as for the pigs try welding and try mesh smooth.

Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:29 am
by Sniperjack
A new question:

What should I do if I want to change the size of the kit images on the spawn menu? They are set as 64x64 in Vanilla, but I was planning on having a 128x64 image instead.
So this sort of thing:

to replace the pictures in this (you can see the extents of it with the white box):

Even if I put in a larger image in the place, it just shrinks/compresses to the 64x64 size. I am pretty sure I have seen longer images like the ones I plan to use in another mod (Finnwars?). So where exactly can I change the limitation on parameters?

Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 8:08 am
dont think you can

Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:27 am
by Senshi
Well it has to be possible, considering many mods did change that. E.g. Battlegroup42 has a rectangled picture filling out the complete box. I'll take a look.

EDIT: All they did was resize the the picture to 256x64, that fills the box. Your problem probably was that you increased the vertical axis too and that is auto-compressed to fit the box. But horizontally you don't have this limit.

Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:59 am
by Sniperjack
Senshi wrote:Well it has to be possible, considering many mods did change that. E.g. Battlegroup42 has a rectangled picture filling out the complete box. I'll take a look.

EDIT: All they did was resize the the picture to 256x64, that fills the box. Your problem probably was that you increased the vertical axis too and that is auto-compressed to fit the box. But horizontally you don't have this limit.

Well that's just the problem. I didn't increase the size on the vertical axis but I did increase the horizontal axis size (I am using a 128x64 picture when the default is 64x64). It still compresses the image back to 64x64. There must be some code somewhere that sets maximum size for the picture.

Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:44 pm
by Apache Thunder
You have to change the meme files. That is where that stuff is defined.

The dimensions of images on screen for example. The meme files are those files at the root of the Menu.rfa that don't have an extension. You open them with the menu editor that comes with the MDT toolset. You will find the kit seletion icons in the Ingame meme file.

Just do a search for the name of one of the kit icon file names and it should bring you to the first entry of it. You can use whatever size image you like but if you don't update the meme files, the image will simply be squeezed/stretched to fit the size defined in the meme file.

Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:55 pm
by Sniperjack
Thanks, Apache. That worked well.


Re: Questions for Siege mod

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:55 pm
by buschhans
Whats about the SIEGE mod after the 2012 die of "Jack Buitenwerf" aka Sniperjack?
I remember a news i have present around the communities, and the people were happy and wait for this cool stuff?
The pictures were looking good.
Has anybody save the SIEGE v1.00 content, and could release it???

We never forget our friend JB!