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Planes can fly?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:06 pm
by itsmei
There was a topic before about planes flying by them selfs. I have done this with a natter, and was wondering if it was possible to make it go around it circles, server side. If it is possible, can i have some help of how to mod it.

Thanks :D

Re: Planes can fly?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:22 pm
by freddy
there was a topic about it somewhere but cant find it now. you can do this in some different ways but easiest i think would be to use a rotational bundle

example (ObjectSpawnTemplates.con)

Code: Select all radarbun_tower_M1
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate heavytankspawner
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 130/-120/0
ObjectTemplate.setRotation 180/-11/-10

ObjectTemplate.setContinousRotationSpeed 2.5/0/0

ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner heavytankspawner
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 b17
ObjectTemplate.MinSpawnDelay 10
ObjectTemplate.MaxSpawnDelay 10
ObjectTemplate.Radius 50 2
ObjectTemplate.holdObject 1
ObjectTemplate.MaxNrOfObjectSpawned 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 2

Code: Select all

Object.create radarbun_M1
Object.absolutePosition 1024/1000/1024
Object.rotation 0/0/0
change the tank spawner to some that you have free and can use, spawn the radarbun_M1 somewhere its not in the way of things, and offcourse this only works in maps where there are no radarbun_M1 from start :) maybe there are more things with radars you can use but i dont remember any on the top on my head.

edit: dont have the engines set to rockets with this code, if you do the plane will break the ObjectTemplate.holdObject 1 line and fly away on there own.