Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

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Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by Diamondback »

I am running Windows 7 and have followed all the instructions found on this site: in order to create SAMPLES file for object lightmaps. I also downloaded the ZIP file containing the ''samplesmaker.exe'' as well as the ''samplesmakerall.bat'' files, with the ReadMe.txt on the same site.

Now, when using either the

Code: Select all

samplesmakerall small/medium/large
or the

Code: Select all

samplesmaker small/medium/large meshname

command from a command prompt, the command is run however no SAMPLES files are generated for the SM files I have put in my ''Samplesmaker'' folder, which I placed in my Program Files (x86) folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Samplesmaker). Even while running the program (samplesmaker.exe) as Administrator, nothing changes.

Note: The SM files which I want to make SAMPLES files from are from XPack2.

Any insight on what might be causing this?
Last edited by Diamondback on Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by cajunwolf »

To be honest I have never tried the program on Win 7, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. I have run Genpathmaps and Rex's AIGenerate for level, both being the same type of executable (written in C). First off I don't run them from "Program Files" or "My Documents" because this requires special permissions. Instead I always run these programs from their own directory (folder) either on the root drive, C:\ (in the case you only have one) or from another drive. I also write and run them from a batch file (.bat) and not straight from the cmd console. I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but give it a try. I do it out of convenience because I can place shortcuts to these batch files where needed and just drag and drop the files on top of them. You might also want to turn down your security settings to none to run samplesmaker, then reset it if your worried. I had to do this to get the launcher that sets up your launcher for FH2 because of Win 7 default security settings blocked the program from properly executing. Once I turned off nanny windoz security settings it worked fine.

Let me know if this helps and as soon as I have the time I will try it on Win 7 myself. There should be no problem doing the xpack meshes because I have done it. If you can't get it to work post a list and I will run them for you, but lets see if we can get it working first.

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Re: Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by cajunwolf »

OK ... ran a test on one of my workstations running Win 7 pro x64.

Created a folder on my T:\ drive names samptest.

In this folder I placed a copy of samplesmaker .exe, samplesmakerall.bat and 5 of the .sm files from xpack2

I opened the cmd console and after changing to the T:\samptest directory typed the following command ...

samplesmakerall large

and hit enter and it made my samples with no problems.

Do this with a copy of your samplesmakerall.bat file ...

Open it in notepad ( I use Notepad++) by right clicking and selecting edit.

change the following ....

Code: Select all

@echo off
for /f "delims=." %%a in ('dir *.sm /b') do call samplesmaker.exe %1 %%a
to this ...

Code: Select all

@echo on
for /f "delims=." %%a in ('dir *.sm /b') do call samplesmaker.exe %1 %%a
... and it will not only stay on screen until you hit any key but will display the full results.

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Re: Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by Diamondback »

I did exactly what you wrote... still no SAMPLES files. I think I'm gonna hand the map over to you so you can generate the object/terrain lightmaps yourself, because it seems I'm running out of luck here.

I'll ZIP you a copy of the map by PM today when I can.

Cya and thanks for the help bud!

EDIT: I have uploaded the necessary SM files for you to work with to Mediafire. You can download them here: ...
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Re: Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by cajunwolf »

I think I'm gonna hand the map over to you so you can generate the object/terrain lightmaps yourself, because it seems I'm running out of luck here.
Ummmm no. Not being rude, and I will help you create the samples files, but I have a lot of projects of my own with very little time to do them as it is (working for survival being the primary concern), so you understand of course. That being said we are going to try again, because there is something simple, I am sure, that your missing or not doing correctly.

Now to make things easier I have created a folder, included samplesmaker(and all assoc files), and 5 xpack2 statics. I then zipped it up into a file named for you (and anyone else) to work with. This eliminates the possibility of you not having everything you need in the proper directory. I have also edited the samplesmakerall.bat file as I mentioned above. What this will do is make the black exe window stay open, and it will list out each process so you can see whats going on, and also verify that it is creating the samples files.

Please download it now and extract directly to your C: drive. You should have the following ...


Now if you open the folder you will see the following ...

Now close it because I am going to show you a kewl trick to open a cmd window on this directory with one click (unless you know it then proceed to the next step). Now there is a power toy for Win XP called "Open Command Window Here" that was, at the request of many users, over to Win 7. Now you might say "hey wow, Microsoft finally did something right and listened", right? True as that may be they hid it, and I can sum it up in two words I guess, Microsoft mentality. Any how I digress. To access the additional features that are "hidden" in the right click context menu you first select and hold down the Shift Key and then right click on the folder. Now to take it one step farther, and the preferred method, and do it as a "command window with elevated privileges", or as administrator. To do this you hold down both the Shift & Ctrl keys and then right click on the folder and you get the same menu, but all runs as administrator.

Highlight the directory "sample_test", hold down both the Shift & Ctrl keys, and right click the folder and you should see the following ...
Now click on "Open command window here" and you should see the following ...
Continued to next post ---->

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Re: Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by cajunwolf »

-----> Continued from last post I was concerned about the per post image limit (I believe it's 4?).

OK now with the cmd window open type the following just like I have it in the image below. Be sure and check case and spelling!
Now hit the enter key and you should see the following ... it will take a few seconds to fully complete, but when you see "hit any key to continue" it's finished (hitting any key will close the window).
Now go back and open the sample_test folder and you should see your new samples files like in the below image.
Now the only reason I can think of it not working for you is spelling and case, or your running a home edition (which home edition shouldn't matter, but then again .. MS so you never know).

You also need to remember you only need samples files for complex statics like buildings, fences, wells, barns, bridges, and you get my point. You do not need samples files for soldier parts, vehicles and parts, weapons, landing gear doors etc. Samplesmaker will usually puke up an error on these items. The trick is to copy all the sm files you want samples for into a separate directory (or use the one I created) with samplesmaker (and the bat file!) then run samplesmakerall large like above. Experience has taught me that large is the way to go and worth the extra file size unless it is like a barbed wire fence or something .. then medium (I see no use at all for small).

Now if for some logical reason this doesn't work then you put all the sm files (don't need the .rs) into a folder, zip or rar it up, and send it to me (link for d\l) and I will run the samples for you.

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Re: Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by Diamondback »

Fantastic, works great now, thanks buddy!
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Re: Samplesmaker not working on Windows 7

Post by cajunwolf »

No problem ... glad we got it going.

"When you're up to your butt in alligators, you forget your original intent was to drain the swamp!"
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