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DC_F Engineers Wrench

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:06 am
by tekk
Was wondering if anyone has ever modded the engineers wrench as so it did not run out? I attempted this and searched the object.con weapons and found some code and put it together and packed and tested it. With the code the wrench would run out but if you switched to a different weapon and switched back right away the wrench was full again. It worked fine when it was just me on the server but as soon as someone joined the server became unstable and crashed. Anyone see whats wrong with this code?

Code: Select all

rem ----------------------------------------- 
rem --- Engineers Wrench Modification "Wont Run Out" ---
rem -----------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.Active RepairPack
ObjectTemplate.reloadtime 99.9 

Re: DC_F Engineers Wrench

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:48 pm
by fo0k
I guess you need to up the magsize and maybe increase round of fire if you want it to work quicker
also could reduce reload time.. but that shouldnt matter with a huge mag..

Code: Select all

ObjectTemplate.magSize 100
ObjectTemplate.roundOfFire 5
ObjectTemplate.reloadtime 2