SetMaxRollGroup Property [Vietnam]

   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxRollGroup number

Argument values:

argument 1:    116

Description: This property is used exclusively in Battlefield Vietnam.

Used in object types (and how often in each type): SpawnPoint (1%)

Used in one .con file: vietnamObjects/Vehicles/Land/O_Ditch/Objects.con

Example: (from vietnamObjects/Vehicles/Land/O_Ditch/Objects.con)
   rem *** SoldierSpawn ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create SpawnPoint DitchSpawn01
   ObjectTemplate.SetSpawnRotation 0/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetSpawnPositionOffset 0/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetSpawnPreventionDelay 0
   ObjectTemplate.SetSpawnId 0
   ObjectTemplate.SetUseRollingSpawnGroup 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetGroup 110
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxRollGroup 116
   ObjectTemplate.SetEnterOnSpawn 0
   ObjectTemplate.SetAIEnterOnSpawn 0

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